Hi Adino2!
You'll want to claim your kits to start- assuming you don't have a rank so do ./kit starter and ./kit food. That'll give you some starter gear as well as some food. Then you'll want to do ./wild and wander around until you find a place you want to build. You can claim land by creating a party using ./p create- keep in mind that outside of claims PVP is enabled and I believe that keep inventory is disabled. If you want to store any items inside a claim and lock the chests so no one can steal anything. You can lock a chest by right-clicking on a chest with an oak sign in your hand.
As for custom enchants, you can find out information on any enchant by doing ./enchant <name of enchant>. This includes the max lvl of the enchant, what items it can be applied to, and a description of the enchant. Survival also has custom-created worlds called "the isles." You can view all the isles, by doing ./isles- this will bring up a menu that displays all the isles that are available to be unlocked as well as the different resources and items you can obtain there. By default you have Tangleroots unlocked, to unlock the rest you must collect souls. Souls can be gathered by killing mobs in the isles, fighting bosses, or selling mob heads through ./kilton. Mob heads are obtained by killing mobs and have a 10% drop rate.
There are lots of things to do on survival from participating in the Manapond event (you can do ./kit fishingrod to obtain a fishing rod), to teaming up with other players to fight bosses at ./warp boss. There are also different quests you can complete, the three types of quests are daily, party, and boss. Each type of quest has it's own set of rewards! You can also complete individual "prestiges" which are a set of tasks that you have to complete in order to progress. The final task will always reward you with cubits- the amount will increase depending on how many prestiges you've complete. For example, the first time you complete all the tasks, you will be awarded five cubits. Keep in mind the more prestiges you complete the harder the tasks become.
I hope this helps! If you have any other questions feel free to reply to the thread or start a private conversation with me via the forums.
Good luck,
Stormy <3