Rejected Obsidian Sanctuary - Insane

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Jun 17, 2020
Username: xCreepyx
Map name: Obsidian Sanctuary
Number Of Jumps: 166
Difficulty: Insane
Warp: /plot visit xCreepyx 1
ID: 86;97
Helper: theBobtheBlob




Forum Master
Dec 19, 2019
877 13
Hello xCreepyx,

I regret to inform you this map is being rejected. While we don't have any specifically "sanctuary" maps, the build for this map is essentially just a tower (ObsidianTower in particular is similar), as well as many Nether themed maps that look very similar as well, so I would say the theme is not very original. Please check the Parkour List before you build a map to make sure your theme is original!
The build is not very good. There isn't much block variety, and the nether fences on the obsidian are very hard to see. There also isn't really a main structure to this map aside from the tower in the distance, and the parkour is scattered in very odd shapes all around leading up to the tower. Try to have a singular or few main structures that the parkour is built onto, around, or inside to reduce the messiness of the build.
The parkour is also pretty repetitive, since it is not varied or mixed much at all. Try to use MANY different kinds of blocks throughout when creating your parkour so you can have a unique and interesting course! There were also zero directional signs or head arrows to help me navigate the course. The parkour also doesn't really fit the insane difficulty, it wavers between easy and hard. Try making the parkour consistent in difficulty throughout! The length is fine for an Insane, but on the longer side. I would recommend looking at /warp beta or the Accepted Maps subforum to get a visual of what a solid map looks like with our current requirements!

Thank you for submitting this map! If you have any questions about your submission, please feel free to message me here on the forums, in-game, or on Discord.
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