Creator(s): JQ5H and Maxro23
Difficulty: Longer but easier, gets harder towards end. Not sure what you guys would classify it as.
Jumps: About 90ish
Plot Location: In parkour plot (-8,0) or /plot teleport JQ5H
NOTE: This is my first map, and it is not extremely detailed. We went along the base of the different "tiers" of ores and gear in Minecraft. There are a few jumps at the end that are kinda triggering, so that might raise the difficulty if it gets accepted. So dearly sorry as well, but I was not able to submit screenshots as I was dumb and couldn't find them in my files. Thank you!
Difficulty: Longer but easier, gets harder towards end. Not sure what you guys would classify it as.
Jumps: About 90ish
Plot Location: In parkour plot (-8,0) or /plot teleport JQ5H
NOTE: This is my first map, and it is not extremely detailed. We went along the base of the different "tiers" of ores and gear in Minecraft. There are a few jumps at the end that are kinda triggering, so that might raise the difficulty if it gets accepted. So dearly sorry as well, but I was not able to submit screenshots as I was dumb and couldn't find them in my files. Thank you!