Rejected Prizon break

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Oct 28, 2020
i think this is a hard map possibly expert you will probably have to check yourselves
here are some screen shots there was one more but i couldn't add it because it was to big (it was of the begining)
2020-10-28_09.37.20.png 2020-10-28_09.37.04.png 2020-10-28_09.36.57.png
don't worry it is in the limit its just a little bit over 50 blocks wide (aprox)
this is my first custom map so im not to sure what all the recierments are exactly though i have red the important thread and there are alot of iron fences itryed to make sure min amount of them was 2 i hope thatit is able to get excepted

sorry if i have missed anything
and this is the correct way


Forum Master
Dec 19, 2019
878 13
Hello rampanger,

I am sad to tell you this map is being rejected. The theme is not original, as there is already a prison/jail map already on ManaCube. Please check the Parkour List before you start making a map to make sure you have an original theme. The build isn't very good, since the map doesn't really have a main structure and is just a bunch of floating pieces. In the future, try to have one main build that the parkour is placed on, around, or inside of.

The parkour is not mixed or varied much, as the parkour is mostly iron bars with some walls and slabs. In the future, try to use many kinds of blocks all throughout your map to make a unique and interesting course. I am unsure of what the difficulty is for this map, so please be sure to use the Map Submission Format next time to make sure you have all the necessary information for me to judge your map. I would also recommend looking at recently accepted maps at /warp beta on the server, or the Accepted Maps subforum to get a better idea of our current standards for mapmaking.

Thank you for submitting this map! If you have any questions, feel free to message me here on the forums, in-game, or on Discord.
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