Unfortunately, I've decided that I'm going to be
rejecting this map due to the following reasons; firstly, the theme is pretty
unoriginal, as we already have many maps that revolve around the Halloween/Pumpkin theme, for example,
Pumpkin, JackOReaper, and HalloweenPorch all revolve around the same theme. But, the build is also really well done and has a lot of detail. For the parkour, I found that it was a little repetitive as there were a lot of recurring 'normal blocks' and ladders throughout the map, but the length and difficulty fit what you're going for, as well as your checkpoints being well spread out.
In the future when creating maps, please keep in mind to check the list HERE, to see a list of themes/maps that have already been done to prevent unoriginal map creations. I also recommend adding a variation to blocks rather than reusing the same blocks repetitively, blocks I recommend are ice, soul sand, fences, enchantment tables, cake, chests, etc.
Thanks for taking the time to create, and submit this map, we'd love to see more from you in the future.