Someone put blocks in a part of the pk that was imposible, just going say that
* 2017-11-27_20.13.17.png PD: other photo here of the solved problem: 2017-11-27_20.15.59.png
* Insane
*125 Jumps
Hope it gets accepted
Thanks for submitting your map! I've come to inform you that this map will be rejected.
Your map has an interesting theme, though I do cannot see it back in the structure. It really confuses me, I could not recognize the theme without looking at this thread or any signs. The build does not look to appealing overall, mainly due to the floating jumps above it. This makes it look really messy, so I would advice you to incorporate the jumps onto the build next time. The jumps themselves are also not too difficult, I would say they are about hard / expert, but the length does reach the insane difficulty. Make sure to find balance between this to have it be a great map.
Thanks again for submitting, we'd love to see another map sometime soon, so don't hesitate on making and submitting another one. :)
Also, if you have any questions or concerns, just PM me here on the forums or on Discord.