/rename GUI?


QA Team
QA Team
Apr 10, 2022
I believe the /rename command should bring up some sort of UI to make it more accessible. Firstly, considering a majority of renaming happens using tools like Birdflop, I've ran into, mainly, three issues that I think could be smoothed out with a better system.

1.) Using Birdflop, names have to be kept relatively short considering the hex codes take up a huge chunk of the 256 character limit in the chat. If codes could be put into the UI separately from the name-to-be, item names could be longer (though I also understand this could cause issues if people are using in game).
2.) Occasionally, a rename will show as "blacklisted" because, I believe, the hex codes are being recognized instead as actual rename text, which can't include numbers. I have trouble using /rename specifically with yellow hues for that reason, so I think that needs a little work.
3.) When using special characters, e.g. a star symbol, the characters have to be typed before "/rename" is typed otherwise you are booted to hub with the message: "Invalid tab complete sent". Assuming I set up a /rename this way and the name turns out to be blacklisted (bc #2), it takes a bit reiterating the name because I can't just up arrow to the last attempt, or I'll get kicked.

Thanks for reading :)
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