Rules of Manacube


Well-Known Member
QA Team
Jul 17, 2021
92 43
I want to start off with saying most of the rules for manacube I agree with and fully support. what doesn't sit right with me is the fact that punishments don't drop after a period of time. as the years go on people mature. people make mistakes. don't hold them accountable for those mistake for ever. someone (like my self) joins and isn't fully aware of the rules or the extent they go. gets banned for a few days and is already 1/3rd of the way to being permanently banned from the server. after a year or even 2 let the punishments go away or not affect how their future with the server turns out. I get wanting to keep punishments there for future records but someone (like myself) goes 2 years without any problems or incidents and gets another ban instantly gets put right at the perma ban door. one more slip up and you're gone for life. that seems a bit extreme in my eyes. let bans fall off after a year or 2 depending on the severity of the punishment that is. someone that is banned for threatening someone's life or other serious crimes should remain banned. but something simple like afk grinding or one very bad day and you get a perm mute should fall off after some time. Manacube needs to keep players. not discourage people from wanting to stay. or removing them from the server for something so small. as much crap as i talk about manacube here and there its an amazing server and i want nothing but success for it. please do better. give people a second chance.

A hug a day keeps the mods at bay! hug your local mods!


Active Member
QA Team
Dec 2, 2022
30 5
Bans should get reset after a while, depending on the severity. I don't condone hacking or exploiting, but I once fell asleep due to alcohol at new years while building a structure, and because some silverfish were hitting me and gaining like 10 acro XP per dodge, I now have that over my head forever.


Forum Legend
Aug 11, 2019
1,929 53
wanna add that i dont think they realize permanent is forever .... like do you know how long forever is ?
if you act a fool as a 16 year old and get perm banned, in 10 years you may have a child who wants to play minecraft but you cant join manacube! because you wanted to gain an advantage or made an insensitive joke.


Dedicated Member
Jun 7, 2018
255 36
as the years go on people mature
Certainly doesnt apply to everyone on mana xd

But 1+ Warnings, Temp Mutes etc should expire after a few months imo


Forum Legend
Sep 9, 2022
720 117
yeah, I feel like more severe punishments should be reset every 9 months or so (excluding bans that are automatic perms) while more minor punishments could be reset every 3.

in before @SHREK53 says that he should be unbanned

oh wait...


Olympus Mod+ | Survival Mod
Nov 19, 2018
2,460 95
I'd like to preface this by saying I completely understand where you're all coming from, and I'd just like to give my perspective. Not only as a member of staff, but as someone who has been part of the community for 5 years now. I think it's important to remember that the staff members aren't robots, we do use discretion when it comes to punishments - it's not as though if you have one infraction, we're immediately going to perm ban you (contrary to what some people believe).

If you were muted for spamming 3 years ago, learned from it and never received so much as a warning since, then spam again, we aren't instantly going to mute you, we'll give you a warning. We only stop giving warnings when punishments have been consistent and we know you know the rules by that point. Again, because we use discretion when it comes to punishments. Not every case will be the same, so we do take that into consideration. In the specific instance you're referencing here PK, I think you know you weren't going to receive a warning for a bannable offence, especially since you have a history with it. You are only on the verge of a perm-ban if you do the same thing you know you shouldn't be doing. That is your choice, it's not the fault of the staff team if you choose to break that rule again. If you want to discuss your punishment, you can contact a member of staff and they'll be happy to talk it out with you further. My DMs are always open.

In terms of not holding punishments against players, I think it's important to keep in mind that not every punishment is for "hate speech" or "hacking" - we have had some incredibly malicious players within the community - the fact those punishments remain in place is not just to keep the server safe, it's to keep you all safe. We don't need to get into specifics, so please do not bring up the past with specific incidents - there really is no need. We do understand how long permanent is, and in some cases, it's not long enough in my opinion. But, if you broke a rule when you were 14, got permanently banned or muted, and have genuinely changed, we have punishment appeals which we do take into consideration how long ago the punishment was, the severity of the punishment, and (where possible) we look at the behaviour of the player since the punishment. Discord activity, forums, in-game, you name it, we check it.

The main reason myself and many others applied to be staff, is because we want to help the server. We want to be role models for players to talk to and to feel safe coming to with issues. We know you're human, and sometimes you will make mistakes - personally, I don't hold grudges when it comes to punishments, especially non-malicious ones. We don't "hold the punishments over your head" unless you give us a reason to (i.e; continuously breaking rules). If you make a mistake and receive a punishment for it, then never get punished again - no one is saying "But remember that one time you got banned!" - it's there in case you break a rule in the future, so staff can keep track for appropriate punishment lengths - warnings are there to show staff have tried to get you to stop without resorting to punishment. Not everyone is going to get one punishment, learn from it, and then never do it again. If we held punishments against you, you would require to have a squeaky clean record to apply for staff, but that's not the case, we've had staff that have been banned before they applied, and they still get accepted.

A punishment on ManaCube is not indicative of who you are as a person.


Well-Known Member
QA Team
Jul 17, 2021
92 43
I'd like to preface this by saying I completely understand where you're all coming from, and I'd just like to give my perspective. Not only as a member of staff, but as someone who has been part of the community for 5 years now. I think it's important to remember that the staff members aren't robots, we do use discretion when it comes to punishments - it's not as though if you have one infraction, we're immediately going to perm ban you (contrary to what some people believe).

If you were muted for spamming 3 years ago, learned from it and never received so much as a warning since, then spam again, we aren't instantly going to mute you, we'll give you a warning. We only stop giving warnings when punishments have been consistent and we know you know the rules by that point. Again, because we use discretion when it comes to punishments. Not every case will be the same, so we do take that into consideration. In the specific instance you're referencing here PK, I think you know you weren't going to receive a warning for a bannable offence, especially since you have a history with it. You are only on the verge of a perm-ban if you do the same thing you know you shouldn't be doing. That is your choice, it's not the fault of the staff team if you choose to break that rule again. If you want to discuss your punishment, you can contact a member of staff and they'll be happy to talk it out with you further. My DMs are always open.

In terms of not holding punishments against players, I think it's important to keep in mind that not every punishment is for "hate speech" or "hacking" - we have had some incredibly malicious players within the community - the fact those punishments remain in place is not just to keep the server safe, it's to keep you all safe. We don't need to get into specifics, so please do not bring up the past with specific incidents - there really is no need. We do understand how long permanent is, and in some cases, it's not long enough in my opinion. But, if you broke a rule when you were 14, got permanently banned or muted, and have genuinely changed, we have punishment appeals which we do take into consideration how long ago the punishment was, the severity of the punishment, and (where possible) we look at the behaviour of the player since the punishment. Discord activity, forums, in-game, you name it, we check it.

The main reason myself and many others applied to be staff, is because we want to help the server. We want to be role models for players to talk to and to feel safe coming to with issues. We know you're human, and sometimes you will make mistakes - personally, I don't hold grudges when it comes to punishments, especially non-malicious ones. We don't "hold the punishments over your head" unless you give us a reason to (i.e; continuously breaking rules). If you make a mistake and receive a punishment for it, then never get punished again - no one is saying "But remember that one time you got banned!" - it's there in case you break a rule in the future, so staff can keep track for appropriate punishment lengths - warnings are there to show staff have tried to get you to stop without resorting to punishment. Not everyone is going to get one punishment, learn from it, and then never do it again. If we held punishments against you, you would require to have a squeaky clean record to apply for staff, but that's not the case, we've had staff that have been banned before they applied, and they still get accepted.

A punishment on ManaCube is not indicative of who you are as a person.
im aware of the rules and know them quite well. ive mentioned this before well before receiving my second ban. i like to think im a good player on manacube and having a record showing otherwise is kind of off putting. when i first joined manacube i was still new to this whole online server thing. manacube was the first skyblock server i ever played on. and at the time of joining i didnt know the rules and was banned for afking a cobble gen. fast forward 2 years later and its still affecting my punishment paths to this day. this recent ban all though was on my alt. the punishment was still merged onto my account. i know the rules and i know afking an acro grinder isnt allowed. it was an accident and i was caught in the 20 minutes i was grinding. now im sitting here scared and paranoid to do anything because one more slip up or accident and im permanently banned off my favorite minecraft server (that ive donated over 8k on) just like that. that doesnt sit right with me and im sure lots of others.

i just think manacube needs an official way to clean punishments off your record. an official way to appeal and get them wiped completely off your record to the point it has no affect on future punishments. the way manacube is set up now, eventually all players will be permanently banned due to punishments. most of us know the rules and for the people that maliciously break the rules or intentionally break them they deserve the punishment path they earned. but things like getting caught afking something is so miniscule and minuet is a bit extreem.

i made this post in hopes of maybe adding a way to scrub certain punishments off your record. and I think a application process would be a good idea after a certain period of time. accidents happen. and sometimes its more than we like to admit. don't shut your players out for a simple accident like afking an acro farm. staff do a great job on the server in keeping it a safe and fun environment and I give much respect to what they do.