Hello Cheesyparadise,
I regret to inform you this map is being rejected. While there are no "rustic" cathedral maps, there is a Cathedral map, and other maps with aesthetic similarities to this one (Cathedral, Church, to name a few) so I would say the theme is somewhat unoriginal. The build is fine, it looks like a small cathedral but overall feels pretty bland. When executing a theme that has been similarly before, it is even more important to make something stand out about the build that draws in players, finding some sort of WOW factor. I feel that is missing with this map overall.
The parkour gives me the same impression, it's just "fine". It isn't especially fun or especially boring. I think the main thing that is off to me about it is the floating pieces of it when there's lots of space on this build to have the parkour attached. It is somewhat varied and mixed, but again, I overall found it a bit uninteresting. This combined with the unoriginal feel of the build has led me to reject this map.
Thank you for submitting this map! If you have any questions, feel free to message me here on the forums, in-game, or on Discord. Hope to see more maps from you!