Scrambler "event"

Nov 23, 2015
Idk if this should be called event or not, anyway, here's the deal, every hour, the person that unscrambled most words would win something. I think this would make the scrambler get more attention as 5 gems(and they are not even guaranteed) isn't very good. I know it's supposed to be for fun but this would bring competition and competition is fun. :)

The winner would get either gems, either a Scrambler Key if there would be a Scrambler Chest(which could be between Voting Chest and Mythical Treasure Chest). There could also be more winners, like top 3, and 1st would get key, 2nd would get x number of gems, 3rd a lower number of gems etc.

I say hourly and not daily because I don't think many people(if any at all) can stay to play Scrambler for 12/24 hours continuously :p