SeanToasters - QA Team Application [Skyblock]


Mar 31, 2024
Your Minecraft Username

Discord username

What is the main realm you play on

When did you start playing on ManaCube and what does your activity look like?
335 hours (actively) played since approximately March 31st until now. I can guarantee on average 2-4 hours a day in the foreseeable future.

Why do you want to join the QA team?
I want to share my passion giving quality assurance and a great gaming experience to not only the players on the main realm I play on, but everyone on ManaCube. Maximizing efficiency is something I strive for in many of my ManaCube creations/endeavors and I stumble upon many bugs in the process as a result of simply doing something I enjoy.

Do you have any experience with game testing/quality assurance?
I was staff on another popular server two-plus years ago and although never had a specific job to bug test, I became part of a selective "pre-release" team to test how the specific realm/minigame ran. An example of some bugs I detected even included major exploits that in-turn could have destroyed the economy of the server.

What qualities or skills do you have that would contribute positively to the QA team?
First and foremost, I have excellent communication skills both verbal and written while understanding how to operate in a team environment. I am a dedicated player and know when the appropriate time to crack jokes and be silly is versus when there is a task at hand and focus is required to solve a problem or help a player.

In past roles, I have saved many staff members and developers time by assisting players with "red-herring" bugs; plainly put, a bug report that after some testing turns out to be user error or is not the root of the problem wasting large amounts of time and effort for these staff members to investigate.

Helping newcomers, explaining how game mechanics work, and testing these game mechanics myself for players is something I do in my free time. I figured this role on the server matches my qualities and skills to provide the fabulous quality assurance I've already experienced firsthand on ManaCube. I hope to be given the chance to prove my competence on these levels and share more about my experiences with both staff members and players as a member of the Quality Assurance Team.

Would you be interested in writing Wiki articles? Yes

Account activity
My account has 100+ hours played and is older than 1 month

Account agreement
I own a Microsoft minecraft account that is not shared with anyone

Security agreement I have a 2FA protected Discord & Google account


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2022
38 17
In my opinion I think you should be more active on forums. Maybe try again then you have maybe like 30-50 posts. So it's an -1 from me but GL in the future.