Reviewing SirJakuIV - Staff Application

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Dedicated Member
Jan 3, 2024
108 7
Your Minecraft Username

What server are you applying for


First name Jackson

Age 18

Country or Timezone
United States CST

Discord username

Why do you want to become staff?
From the first day I logged on to manacube, I fell in love with it. I loved the interesting gameplay mechanics, the cutthroat cubit economy and the bustling community where I have made life-long friends. However, even with the overwhelming positive aspects in the server, I see the negative, more quietly bubbling aspects of the server, such as the overwhelming amount of player scamming, the slow division of the realms, the consistant bug/lb abuse and other more minor things. As I play more, I find myself wanting to fix these things and doing whatever I can to deal with the issue at hand but am unable to do so in a responsible and, frankly, simple manner.

If I became staff, I would focus on dealing with the ticket situation first, attempting to lighten the load for the more minor tickets so that the bigger, more game-breaking/financially backed ones get dealt with. I would also do my best to lecture the more impressionable newer players on how to avoid being scammed by players who could be trying to pray on their naivety. Another reason why I would want to become staff is to be able to assist newer players (on Earth) with whatever they need to the best of my ability, from the more complex commands to even just helpful advice when first joining.

As staff, I would focus on assisting the new players and old players alike to the best of my ability while keeping a consistent and respectful manner in all possible scenarios.

How long have you played on ManaCube?
I have played on Manacube since December 26th 2023; 9 months

How many hours a week can you dedicate to Manacube? 20-22hrs a week due to a rigorous university workload.

What skills do you feel you have that will help the server?
Some skills I have that could help the server are as followed:

I understand basic Spanish, not enough to help with more complex issues but enough to point Spanish-speaking players in the right direction.

I have 3 years of customer service experience, which allows me to deal with stressful situations in a quick and efficient manner without feeling overwhelmed easily

I am pursuing a Multimedia and PR/Marketing degree as well as a major focus in financial sector, which allows me to have an understanding of the economy and what that could mean as well as having a strong understanding of what the people either want or need.

I am an anchor at my university's news channel and a former editor for the yearbook, which could potentially help with Wiki revisions as well as being vocal and clear to players when they have confusing questions.

I am a QA member for Manacube, with a focus on reporting bugs and eco balancing as well as trying to learn more about pvp related issues.

As well as other, minor skills like archiving and video editing, I feel like these all could potentially help the server.

What experiences have you had which could help you as staff? Some expectances that I have that could potentially help me with being manacube staff, include my 3 years in the workforce dealing with high stress scenarios. Not only was I able to deal with potentially problematic situations from working, I also learned to keep up with record keeping as well as archiving from my (brief) time as a moderator on an archival server (which specialized with music and lost media). Another, however minor, experience that I have that could potentially help with staffing is my time anchoring at my university's news channel. That taught me how to deal with being put on the spot and not feeling overwhelmed in tough moments.

What three attributes distinguish yourself from other players that qualify you to be a helper?
Unbiased: I view everything in manacube as an outside observer and as a non-emotional point of view. I believe that the goal of a helper and staff alike is to help players, both big and small. I also believe that only an unbiased member staff can judge a situation fairly.

Fair: Speaking of fair, as an active player for the last 9 months straight, I feel like I have proven myself as a fair and equality-driven person. I treat everyone the same (sans friendships of-course) and I try to approach any player-v-player conflicts in a neutral point of view. I believe that in this server, we are all, no matter how problematic or argumentative, still human and everyone deserves the chance to experience a fair and enjoyable experience.

Friendly: While at times I can come off as cold, I really try to be as friendly as I can to fellow members of the community. Friendliness and kindness, examples such as helping new players with getting items to even just saying hi to old playmates, are detrimental in staffing relationships. Be friendly is perhaps the most integrating thing that a staff member can be, in my opinion: players are more likely to be honest and open to a helper/staff if they are kind rather than if they are tough/colder. In all honesty, I know as a player I should work more on this trait, but I still hold this attribute close to my heart because I was once a new player who was treated with kindness at the beginning.

Please explain what you believe the role of a staff member is.
The role of staff, whether it be a helper or an admin, is to be the beacon of the community. Staff should be teachers, (teaching the newer players on figuring out how to set up their forum accounts and helping them learn about the economy of manacube) mentors, (helping with existing players concerns and confusion in a straight-forward and honest manner) counselors (disciplining and punishing in a consistent equal manner without political, sexual, or ideological differences) and lastly, players (at the end of the day, staff are real people just like the players of manacube and I believe that they too deserve the in-game experiences that we all cherish).

Are you able to use recording software? Yes, OBS.

Anything else we should know?
I think it's fair to mention that I do struggle a bit with coming off as rude or short sometimes and I hope that I can prove myself to be better in the future to you all and to anyone I have transgressed.

Thank you manacube for the opportunity to apply for this role and even if I don't get it now, I will continue my efforts to be a good member of the Earth community as well as my responsibilities as a QA member.

You are aware that all information provided must be true, and if found to be false, will result in an automatic rejection of this application

You are aware that if you are accepted, you will be required to use a microphone for some sections of staff training to talk with the senior staff member leading your initial and future training sessions:

You are aware that you may not use generative AI to write your application for you. Any suspicion of doing so will result in a rejection.


SrMod | Helper Management
Senior Mod
Senior Mod
Jun 26, 2021
196 43

Thank you for taking the time to apply for Manacube Staff. I have good news, your application has passed the reviewing stages and has moved on to the next step.

Please note this does NOT mean you are accepted, we are now reviewing your history on the Manacube server and looking at your characteristics in more depth. You will be notified in the near future on any update we have regarding your application.

If you have any questions, please start a conversation with me on the forums or on discord. You can find me on discord at [baroompsycho], I am quicker to respond there.

Also, be aware that I do not discuss applications while moderating or playing in-game and do not reply to forum posts about specific staff applications.

The application will now be locked from public comments but still viewable.

Thank you,
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