Rejected Slime - Easy

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Nov 16, 2020

Builder: LAKottke55
ID: /plot v LAKottke55 1
Difficulty: Easy/Medium, not sure, difficulty's in between the two.
Jumps: 75
Checkpoints: 4
Slime Jumps: 7
Slimes: 2
Ladder Jumps (Any jump with ladders in it): 34
Regular Jumps: 29 (just blocks) (dang, less regular jumps than ladder jumps... went super overboard on ladder jumps i guess.)
Fence jumps (new!): 4
Number of lines of info: 11
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Forum Master
Dec 19, 2019
877 13
Hello LAKottke55,
I am sorry to tell you your map is being rejected. The theme is unoriginal, due to maps like SlimeBouncer and SlimePK that already exist on ManaCube. Use the Parkour List to create an original theme before you start building a map! The build is not very good. While it represents slimes well, the floating parkour and multiple builds make this map appear to be very messy. The actual slime is also what we call 3d pixel art, which is no longer accepted. When making maps, try to have one central build without much floating parkour. You can look at recently accepted maps for reference.
As a side note, please specify the difficulty of the map if you decide to make another map! While the parkour fits the easy difficulty, it is far too long for an easy or medium. Please check the Map Submission Requirements to learn more about the requirements for each difficulty. The parkour also isn't mixed or varied much at all. Try to incorporate a wide range of unique blocks all throughout your map to make a unique and interesting course. You should also try to use more checkpoints in your map. 10 Jumps per checkpoint is a safe number. [khirina]

Thank you for submitting this map! If you have any questions, feel free to message me here on the forums, in-game, or on Discord.
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