Hey bud. Pink here just to give my two cents:
First off the build. Wow, quality build and I'm impressed. I can tell you're a builder who has attention to detail.
The colour scheme you've chosen is striking and admittedly hard to pull off but it looks great. I love it when mappers pull of large scale builds that I know have taken time and effort.
Some improvements here would be to add extra interior design in the initial chamber. Think of a temple - they're GRAND! I wish the first chamber was massive with pillars on the edge to give more area and show off the massive snake head :)
[WE protip: for long snake/weaving structures such as the snake/skelesnake, learn to use //sel convex, and //spline, it'll save you hours of shaping those kind of things :)) shoot me a dm if you need help]
The parkour is where I think may require improvement:
- The map is currently the wrong facing for experts (needs to be x-facing). Solution: either rotate, or convert your expert into an insane. The latter seems more viable at the moment
- Difficulty/balancing: Jumps are currently much higher difficulty and fit insane much better. Examples: the low ceiling area, initial kyroh ladders and head jumps. I'm happy to run through which sections required adjusting! Just let me know. N.b. If you have to put "trust me it's possible" on an expert, it's probably too difficult of a jump.
- Pathing visibility - 1) slimes are hard to see with black carpets 2) black heads were hard to see
Impression: It has a lot of potential but requires you to make a few decisions regarding the build and the parkour
Good luck and let me know if you need help with anything