Hey cocowallaby42,
Unfortunately, I will be
REJECTING this map submission.
- Theme: As we have several stone-related maps currently on our server, this is an incredibly unoriginal map submission. I recommend that you look at our list of previously used maps/themes as to prevent such things: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lZKQZMgGev6fXyhZ8nCPkTzNIj0yOjXjUTDvfzKNzl4/edit .
- Build: In my opinion, the build is an unattractive mess. You just have floating amorphous stone islands and stone parkour. There's nothing much to it. Sure, it conveys the theme as it's made out of stone, but, that's not enough. You need to have a central focus and work around it. You integrate your parkour with it. This is an unacceptable build.
- Parkour: As you didn't choose a difficulty, I'll tell you what I think it should be. It should either lost 10+ jumps and be an easy map or get buffed and be a medium. Furthermore, the parkour was incredibly linear. It was doing parkour in a straight line full of the same jumps. You need to use a wider variety of blocks/jumps so that your parkour is fun to do.
I hope you take these criticisms into consideration when submitting maps in the future, good luck!