Rejected The divine change - Medium Parkour

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Forum Master
Aug 23, 2019
387 10

Unfortunately, your map submission has been REJECTED. Here is my input:

Theme: The theme is not that original as we already have a lot of maps similar to yours (HeavenVsHell, Heaven, etc). Make sure you check the Parkour List before building a map to make sure your idea is unique and original!
Build: The build is not something that would be accepted with today's standards as there isn't really a main build, but instead a bunch of floating blocks (the maps you see on ManaCube that have this style are all old) - for future submissions, try to have a central build that captures your theme (for example, theme is Big Chungus and you build a big rabbit that looks like Big Chungus) and have the parkour centered around that build.
Parkour: The parkour was the right length for a MEDIUM map (a little on the longer side but nothing reject-worthy) but I would say it fit the difficulty of an EASY map instead. Also, the jumps did not have much variety in them as it felt like I was doing the same 3-4 jumps throughout the entire map. Try to make sure each jump is different or utilizes blocks differently to make your submissions more interesting to play (you can make a lot of cool jumps with blocks like anvils, water, lilypads, combinations of different blocks, etc),

I hope to see more submissions from you two in the future, and have a great day!
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