The downfall of Manacube


Jun 9, 2021
21 1
So where do I even start?

Tonight I decided to read through a few of the forum posts and my god I am shocked at the amount of issues players have brought up and yet nothing has been done or even worse the issues have just been completely ignored!

Ever since the Merge of Mineville and Manacube all it seems to be about is how much money can me make from the players instead of how can we make the game function better for players and how can we improve the overall environment of the server. Everything has just gone downhill and it seems the only actuall things being upgraded or added to the game now is more ways for players to spend and lose their money so that the owner can fatten up their wallet.

I can confidently say that a lot of valuable players aka people who used to spend quite a bit of money here and also those players who have been here for 5+ years are now deciding to quit or just not spend another dollar on here due to the fact it only seems like a money grab scheme now! Mods have not been on when basically every player in chat is discussing how bad the server has gotten and how many issues there is. I am mainly a SkyBlock player and I am 1 of the players who had spent a few Penny's on this server ($2.4k in 3 months since joining the server ) and was more than happy to continue doing it because I actually really enjoyed the flow and environment of the server and wanted to support it going forward as I thought I had finally found a server I could stick to.

Unfortunately as of late the server seems to be spiralling downwards and it's going to reach a point of no return if it continues this way. Yes you may think this has been the best Month/ Seasons but that was all before you started to make some absolutely ridiculous changes. People spent money before they knew you would make such stupid changes to the game and therefore less people may buy things now that the changes have been made. A small example was the Sell chests, there was no mention of the fact that they would have a time limit or that they would be in /buy for only 15 cubits but you still let players buy a ton of Ancient keys in order to try obtain a legendary key to then possibly get a sell chest before then just randomly changing the system which honestly was such a scam from the Owners.

I honestly think Manacube owners and Admin need to take a step back and maybe read through the forum posts and think about what they are doing to this server and how they can maybe just maybe start to improve it instead of trying to just make more money as quick as possible!

I was quite an active player on SkyBlock and have achieved a few spots on #Leaderboards in my time there and I have found it hard to leave due to my time and money invested but the time has come where it has just become too toxic and money hungry that I am over it! I have officially quit due to the scam of a server this place is!!

Some examples.

First is your monthly promo crates.
-Who the hell wants to spend $4 (4 cubits) just to get a damn spawner package with spiders! Like honestly that should not be in the promo crates.

Time limits on basically all useful items that can help you make and maintain money in game.

Your monthly payouts don't even match what it takes to actually keep your islands running at optimal capacity.

The fact you have to get like a million ancient keys to possibly obtain a Mythical key yet no Mythical items are even SVA items? When you could literally spend about $500 just to get 1 Mythical key.

The stupid Tax system on CFS? Like what is the actual point of that?

The new Crate auction is the most obvious Money grab, the item is not even as good as some of the other SVAS.

The list could go on but I don't think anyone has enough time to list them all. Thanks for the good 3 months, and thanks to all the amazing people I have met on this server, I do hope things get better for you all in the future and the owners finally realise what they have done. Best wishes to you all. Peace ✌️

Cookie Kat

Forum God
Oct 17, 2018
1,276 98
Yeah... this is quite unfortunate, though it's been happening for a long time- I have hope that Manacube will pull through this- the only thing left to wonder is at what cost?


Dedicated Member
Aug 24, 2020
57 15
i played skyblock at the start and moved onto prisons i have spent alot of money on manacube and there has been no change in the way that things are handled or changed most old players have wanted change for a long time and it just hasnt happend with all the evidence that has come out and staff trying to hide it when we speak out about it it shows the dont care about the players the only care about the money and saving face.