Rejected The Dream - Hard

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Oct 25, 2020
  • Username - Wowcreeper
  • Map name - The Dream
  • Photos of your Parkour -
    The Dream 1.png
    The Dream 2.png
    The Dream 3.png
    The Dream 4.png
    The Dream 5.png
    The Dream 6.png
    The Dream 7.png
    The Dream 8.png
    The Dream 9.png
    The Dream 10.png
  • The # of your Plot / or warp name to it - /plot v wowcreeper
  • Difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard, Expert, Insane) - Hard (Maybe Expert)
  • Number of jumps (Optional) 55-70
  • Checkpoint - 2 (There are other checkpoints that aren't signs like getting inside the house where you can't lose progress)
With this map, I have tried to improve from my previous one, making it 3d with more focus put into design, an original theme and varied jumps. There is also a brief storyline and a hidden secret.


Forum Legend
May 12, 2019
501 11
Hey wowcreeper,

Unfortunately, I will be REJECTING this map submission.
  • Theme: Honestly, the theme that this map screams to me is "house". I don't see much besides that. I get that you were telling a story but the build itself is what really captures your theme and this is basically just a house. For these reasons, I believe your map to be unoriginally themed.
  • Build: Personally, I think the build could do much better. Besides the fact that the build itself is rather unoriginal as we have countless houses on our server (and air balloons!), there are some areas that need improvement. If I'm being honest, the exterior of the house is not the most pleasing to look at due to the loads of parkour surrounding it, the odd platform/elevation, and floating dirt house. Then the actual interior of the house is just cramped up parkour. It just feels like the parkour was more important than the build.
  • Parkour: The parkour did fit the hard difficulty in length and difficulty, no doubt about that. You really need to add checkpoints and space them out properly because this map is not forgiving at all. The parkour was pretty varied at first but the section inside the air balloon where it was basically you just doing corner jumps and neos was not very fun. Give your parkour another look and address the cp issues and any repetitive segments.
I hope you take these criticisms into consideration when submitting maps in the future, good luck
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