Rejected The Flow- Medium

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Forum Master
Dec 19, 2019
878 13
Hello Indoraptor012,

I am sorry to tell you this map is being rejected. There isn't really a theme to this map. Because of this, there also really isn't a build, the map is just a bunch of jumps. In the future, try to check the Parkour List to make sure you have an original theme with a main build which the parkour is placed on, around, or inside. I would also recommend doing /submit in game to get a direct link to our post about map requirements and our submission format.

The parkour isn't varied or mixed much, with the majority of the map being normal blocks with some ice jumps in there. In the future, try to use many different kinds of blocks all throughout your map to make a unique and interesting course. The map's difficulty is hard to judge because it's lacking this variation that is usually seen in modern maps, but I would say it is on the easier side because of this. I would recommend looking at /warp beta on the server or the Accepted Maps subforum to get a better idea of our current standards.

Thanks for submitting this map! If you have questions, feel free to message me here on the forums, in-game, or on Discord.
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