Hello EPICJJ16,
I regret to inform you that this map is being
rejected. We have many maps themed around biomes, floating islands, jungles, and volcanoes already (
BabyVolcano to name a few). Please make sure to check the
Parkour List to make sure your theme is original before you start making a map!
As far as the parkour, I found the course
very difficult to navigate. It took me awhile to figure out where to go because there are
very few to no directional signs on the map. There are also
excessive barriers that only add to the confusion more, in which some are even ineffective at reducing exploits, as
I still found one major exploit here. The amount of islands you aren't even allowed to go on make the map look kinda messy and only increased the confusion! Try to
make your build easy to navigate and reduce the amount of barriers you need to keep people on the right path. You can also use carpets to show people the path of where to go as well!
The parkour was also
not varied or mixed, with the use of only normal blocks and ladders, with some fences. Try to incorporate many types of blocks and jumps in your map so the parkour isn't repetitive and fun to play!
Thank you for submitting this map! If you have any questions, please feel free to message me here on the forums, in-game, or on Discord.