Baw... This is a message to you, from myself as a judge. Today, you have submitted three maps. None of them look like they were worked on very much, all three of them are the literal bare minimum that they could be as a parkour, there is almost no attention to any extra details, the designs are exceptionally basic...
What I'm trying to say is that you are getting worse.
Go back to the drawing board, focus on one map idea, just one, and work on it for a day. Design it, plan it out, think of various types of parkour you can use, reference accepted maps and rejected maps for ideas, just please... At least spend a few hours on the parkour.
Other map makers take a lot of time out of their days to make their parkours as presentable as possible, and I'm sorry to say, but you are not delivering in the quality that other map makers have given us.
This applies to all three of your maps, they have been rejected.
~ Billy