Rejected Vault of the Ancients -/~\- Insane

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Dedicated Member
Dec 25, 2016
53 6
NOTE: Let me know if any jumps need nerfing


Forum Expert
Feb 27, 2019
255 2
Hello SlashMuteJJ!

I am here to give you my review of the map. Please remember that I am not a Map Judge and my opinion does not affect whether the map gets accepted or rejected. That being said, if the Map Judges disagree with my opinions, they will go by their thoughts!

Firstly the THEME of your map. Unfortunately I would consider the theme a little unoriginal, since Manacube already has a map related to a vault (FrozenVault) and because there are multiple beach (Tropics) and cavern themed maps already (AbandonedCave)

Secondly the BUILD of your map. Personally I think the exterior and interior both look pretty nice! However as I stated before, they have been done before and aren't the most original or unique that would catch the players eyes really well! Good build however!

Lastly the PARKOUR of your map. I found it incredibly challenging, but in a good way where the Parkour MOSTLY wasn't annoying and was enjoyable to play. Your jumps have great variation and it never felt boring at any part. The length of the Parkour is good, and checkpoint placement was alright. However I feel like the Parkour is a little inconsistent with it's difficulty, where some parts are way harder than others. For example, here's some reference.

This room and everything after it is a lot harder than the first half of the map. Up to the point where you have added some incredibly tough jumps that I don't think are very acceptable in Manacube. (Waza -1 as an example) Unfortunately I don't think this map is going to get accepted in the way it is right now, and I don't know if there is much to do about it. It will DEFINITELY get nerfed from the current position.

Right now I am sadly going to give your map a -1 However do remember, that this is only my opinion. If the Map Judges disagree and think it's better, then my opinion does not matter! Good luck :D


Forum Legend
May 12, 2019
501 11
Hey Yiggle, SlashMuteJJ,

Unfortunately, I will be REJECTING this map submission.
  • Theme: As Gamers mentioned, there's nothing special with the theme on this map. It may have a fancy name but, in reality, it's themed after a beach with a hidden cavern on the inside. That isn't very original. Make sure to prevent this from happening by reading up on our previously used themes here: .
  • Build: Personally, I don't think the build is very good. The first issue is lack of originality, as this map features things we already have on other maps (Beach, Cavern/Mine). Then there's the problem with the exterior of the build that is the giant bland glass/sand square with little to terraforming or elements on it (just a couple of trees and parkour). The interior is also not the greatest as it just doesn't have anything special and is riddled with parkour all around it. There's much that can be done with the build.
  • Parkour: The parkour, to me, felt a little too difficult for the insane difficulty. It's long enough, but it was way too annoyingly difficult. It looks like a lot of jumps were used for the sake of being difficult, omitting the importance of enjoyability. This is due to the CP placement and jumps utilized. Take, for example, the 2nd cp on the map (the one after the slime to the iron trapdoor, which is a pretty annoying jump as well) and the cp once your tp'd. They're very long segments with tricky jumps. But then the map gets even harder once you enter the room with the statues and what comes after. It was just not very fun to do. It can use some nerfing to really bring it to the next level.
I hope you take these criticisms into consideration when submitting maps in the future, good luck
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