What about prices for the best looking Island?

Aug 6, 2019
I recently started playing on this server and most of my time i spend on playing skyblock……actually all of the time:eek:
Something i noticed, is that there are a lot of prices for the best players and for the best islands. However i didn't see any price for the best looking islands.

I've seen some other people's islands that looked amazing, but i feel that they dont get the appreciation they deserve. They spend a lot of their time into building these things, but in my oppinion they dont get anything back for it.
Ofcourse this is my oppinion, but i think a price or mention would be a nice gesture to them.

I'd like to hear your oppinions;)


Mar 25, 2019
160 7
Hi, I'd like to start off by saying welcome to Manacube. I'm glad that you're enjoying skyblock so far! (We all know its the best server).

Thank you for expressing your opinions here on the forums. It's always fun to see what ideas and opinions the community has on everything. I, myself play skyblock a fair bit. Last season I had built a huge island with castles, mountains, villages etc. It was more for fun than to win anything but these islands should get more recognition. We recently implemented an island liking system where you can like other peoples islands which will make them more noticed. This has given those islands a higher chance of being seen and enjoyed by the community!

We have a website called "Feature upvote", there you can create you suggestions and other people can upvote them to have a higher chance of it turning into reality! The link to that website can be found here, https://suggestions.manacube.com/ . While you're there you can also check out other suggestions and upvote them if you agree!