Accepted Wither Storm - Expert (Resubmission)

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Dedicated Member
Jul 5, 2020
162 8
Username: WICKEDMagma

Map name: Wither Storm


Trust me, the build looks much more appealing in game. If you can load more than 3-4 chunks of it, you'll appreciate it even more.

The # of your Plot / or warp name to it: /plot visit WICKEDMagma 3

Difficulty: Expert

Number of jumps: 81 jumps & 8 checkpoints

My first submission of this map was rejected due to the awkward curvature of the tentacles, sloppy palettes, lack of storm, and floating parkour. I removed 4 of the 6 arms and rebuilt them to curve in different directions. I took the blocks that looked out of place in the palettes and painted them over with a different block. The judge who judged my map did not like the use of coal blocks. I 100% disagree; I think coal blocks work really well with the dark palettes I was going for, but if the judges don't want that, I won't use it, and I'm not going to bother arguing. So, I simplified the tentacle's palette to just obsidian (I later found out after watching some MCSM videos that this is indeed what the tentacles are made of). The body is a 50% mix of black wool and black terracotta. To give the wither a storm aspect, I added foggy rings above and around it to give it a tornado vibe. I destroyed most of the parkour jumps and redid them so that they are attached to the build in some way. There are still 4-5 blocks that are somewhat floating, but they're floating in a way that connects to the storm or tractor beam aspect(s) of the map. If this map were to be rejected again, it would likely be due to the confusing path and being too difficult.

Theme 5/5: This theme is definitely original. There are no maps themed around the Wither Storm from Minecraft Story Mode. There is not even a map themed around the original Wither.

Build 5/5: I got most of the details right. The placement of the tentacles/arms is ideal. I added the beams of light coming from the eyes for more attraction. The tentacles are nicely curved, despite them looking awkward in the screenshots and from certain angles. Considering the limited dark block choices, I made some simple yet decent palettes. I spent a great deal of time and effort creating debris/block rings to give the build more of a storm aspect. It's much more different than the storm you see in MCSM; I tried to make the storm original. If the rings were moving/rotating, it would feel like a genuine monster-controlled storm. Overall the build is much more appealing than last time.

Parkour 4/5: There is a decent variety in the jumps. There's a repetitive section at the beginning where many of the jumps are neos. Unlike last time, the majority of the jumps are connected to the build in some way. The difficulty of the jumps is consistent throughout the map. It's slightly challenging to understand where you have to jump next, but I tried to add directions wherever necessary. It's rather dark under the Wither and inside of it, which may make it difficult to navigate or see the next jump. I got a few complaints from testers that the map was too hard for Expert. Other than the fact that the inside is rather dark and crowded, and that the difficulty is closer to Insane than Expert, my parkour definitely meets the requirements.


Forum Master
Dec 19, 2019
878 13
Hello WICKEDMagma,

I will be putting this map into reviewing. This means that there are a lot of aspects about this map that I really like, but there are some problems that keep this map from being fully accepted. You will have until September 11th, 2020 to make changes to the map before it is automatically rejected.
The build is really great now! The addition of the storm cloud on the top and the new shaping of the arms is really well done. It is incredibly accurate to the Wither Storm. I appreciate the time and effort you have taken to make this build truly amazing.

The parkour is the heart of the problems with this map currently, and it isn't really necessarily a problem either. I have consulted with the other judges and we think the parkour fits an Insane map better, minus a few jumps that take away from the smoothness of the parkour. The parkour suits the Insane difficulty pretty well otherwise.
The changes needed to accept this map are adding onto the length so it suits the insane difficulty (around 100 jumps total needed, can be a little more or a little less). There are also a few jumps throughout that are more annoying than difficult and should be adjusted. I would recommend going through the map, potentially having some testers come through and tell you which jumps are the most annoying, and adjusting those (I found many of my issues with the parkour to be in the interior section).
Technically, you could nerf the entirety of the map if you absolutely wanted to keep it an expert. But that would make for a lot more work for you than adding on some jumps and adjusting some jumps on the interior.

Thank you for submitting this map! If you have questions, feel free to message me here on the forums, in-game, or on Discord. Hope to see these revisions soon!


Forum Master
Dec 19, 2019
878 13
Hello again WICKEDMagma,

Thank you for making the necessary changes to the parkour to keep the map an expert difficulty. This map is now being accepted. Thank you for your efforts!

If you have any further questions, feel free to message me here on the forums, in-game, or on Discord.
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