xYukiii - Staff Application

May 28, 2023
Your Minecraft Username

What server are you applying for


First name Yuki

Age 19

Country or Timezone

Discord username

Why do you want to become staff?
Let me start listing some things that inspire me and helped me apply on this server.

One thing I'd like to mention about being staff is the idea of being able to help others. It is one of my most valued things ever since i was a child. I love doing things for people and helping them sort out things and other questions relating to Manacube. Moving on, This server (i mean a lot) has helped my mental health significantly since i started playing. I wasn't really the more social person that most people know me as in the server. and i was awkward. Joining this server made me have a sense of happiness, and Really helped my own issues. I admire how the staff cares about the players too. For example: I broke my collarbone a few days ago (as of typing this) and Kade reached out and hoped me for a quick recovery. It made me feel more welcome here and really fueled most of my eagerness to join this staff team. I Feel like the most important aspect of being staff on this server isn't for worth. I think its for making everybody happy when they need it. I really appreciate this server and i want to see where this leads me.

How long have you played on ManaCube?
since 2020ish-2019 i believe.

How many hours a week can you dedicate to Manacube? I have extracurricular so I'd say 5 or 6 hours on weekends are 4-5 hours on weekdays

What skills do you feel you have that will help the server?
One skill i have (which i previously said in the 1st question) I am really good about helping others. One way or example to back that up is that I always ask my friends on the server if they need help with anything and if there's anything they need.
I feel like helping people are the most important and substantial responsibility of a staff member and putting that into place would be great for the good of the players on the server.

My second skill i have is Leadership. Leadership is a very important aspect for a staff member. I have taken leadership training classes in my sophomore and junior years. I feel like my skills listed would project me on the server and make the server a better place for people to be able to have fun and get help when they really need it most. Leadership is essential to be a reliable staff member in my opinion. and i feel like it would help the server a lot as a whole to not make people be stupid and do what right.

Thirdly. I also have dedication to be able to support and help other people as a staff member. More so, Dedication is a key factor in being a staff member here. If dedication isnt apart of being a staff member then it would not work out, its like building a house with no support. Dedication is a skill that i will focus deeply in and i will make sure people get helped out the way they should be.

What experiences have you had which could help you as staff? 1. I used to do a lot of leadership skill classes in my sophomore year and semester 1 of my junior year. I've learned when and when not to be a buffoon in such terms. And also take action when in important situations. and i feel like that would also project how i would act in the server as a helper.
2. I have helped many people in my community, where i live outside of my computer desk, i help the kids in the shelters for what they need most, i ask if they need anything else and i help them out the best of my ability. i feel like kindness would also be a great function of a experience of what could help me as being a staff member.

What three attributes distinguish yourself from other players that qualify you to be a helper?
1 Large thing i find from other helpers/players I've seen are the more talkative and yappy? kind of people. For example, i talk a lot. maybe TOO much. and i feel like that would amplify my social skills as a helper and help me understand the more basic things i do as a helper and what that means to everyone as a whole.

2. I am very energetic sometimes, and I am sure that people see that in me sometimes. I love to talk and adapt to new skills. and it gives me a more sense of self motivation towards helping people, which is what i love to do. I also like talking to new people wether that is new players, new staff members in the future, and so much more. i feel like it would be a benefit to the players to have a staff member than matches their energy, kind of like another player. Moving forward, I would take a keen interest into the way that other staff members lead and other skills they use and adapt from that

3. I am very serious when necessary, Such as When people use Inappropriate language, Racism, Modder's/Hacking. And others. i take those things seriously and I consider it a huge part of what people don't want in a server. If something like this happens when i get staff. as a helper i would forward the issue to a mod/srmod who can mute and do what is worthy of the punishment.

Please explain what you believe the role of a staff member is.
In my opinion, I believe the role of a staff member is somebody who can help, understand, and lead you in the right path. a staff member is also to guide and serve people for their needs and questions. And then answer that question in order to help them as much as possible when they need it most. I also believe that a staff member is a leader, a trustworthy person that can also help with issues such as, Stealing, Bullying, And other forms of harassment.

Are you able to use recording software? I use OBS studio.

Anything else we should know?
I am a very yappy person. (My previous accident/punishments as a person were due to more mental issues and struggles, My old punishments do not reflect who i am. ) I have school still. and i will try my hardest. (I MEAN HARDEST.) to make sure anything gets done.

You are aware that all information provided must be true, and if found to be false, will result in an automatic rejection of this application
Yes, However, My microphone does not work however. i can use text to speech via a virtual audio input

You are aware that if you are accepted, you will be required to use a microphone for some sections of staff training to talk with the senior staff member leading your initial and future training sessions:

You are aware that you may not use generative AI to write your application for you. Any suspicion of doing so will result in a rejection.
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