New profile posts

To think its been 8 years.. time files. I am proud to be back and kicking in this wonderful server! Alot has changed and I love everything I am seeing. Love this server and can't wait to let friends know about this legendary server <3
Sorry for lack of updates, Took a break after the super grind of June... Am back at it tho! My logs will be longer and probably more in depth now. Right now I'm implementing a pause menu.
Which of course requires editing all my code... again (previous rewrites should make it somewhat easy tho)
im in a mansion by myself im a PROUD lonely.
im on the top floor its hard to look down on me.
Lore peice: For the people that are curious whats up with my picture every time I post, its a photo with me and Dacon while playing skyblock in 2018 on ex-Manacube associated server.