Minevast Parties
The Party update allows you and your friends to communicate across all the servers. We know that a lot of people like to play on other servers, but still want to talk to their friends, and that's when we introduced the global messaging system. However, that didn't turn out to well, due to mass spammers.
Parties is a very lightweight system and extremely simple to use.
Type /party or /p to view a list of commands:
/p create - Creates a party
/p disband - Disbands your party
/p chat - Talk in the party chat
/p invite <player> - Invites a player to join your Party
/p kick <player> - Kicks a player from your party
/p setleader <player> - Gives leadership to another player in your party
/p accept - Accepts an invitation to join a party
/p leave - Leave the party
/p list - List all players in your party