This suggestion is actually kinda bad for a kit, as every kit is supposed to have an equal sword, with the exception of Revenge and Santa which also have fire aspect on them, every sword has the same base damage whether it's kit fight or mvp+, so adding a free kit (free as in it's gotten with in-game money and not real money) with a sword with a higher base damage then any other kit does kind of break the balance, even more with the strength potion. The strength potion in general is a really bad idea as it completely shatters the balance as donators and people with strong armor and weapon sets would just buy the kit and use it as often as possible to get the strength potions to use with their best gear to make them even harder for players not in weaker gear to kill.
Though this isn't to say I disagree with the idea of more kits as they should at least make 2 more kits considering in the shop for kits there are 2 blank slots for kits that says "coming soon" or something like that, so it would be nice for them to fill those two spots with kits rather than just leaving them as "coming soon" forever.