Hoi Cuyy and Cuyyy,
Sorry to tell you that your map have been rejected.
The theme is not really original, since there is already an Eiffel Tower map, even if the build is really different, the theme is still the same, so be careful ! The build is not good, The Eiffel Tower is not really attractive (It looks like a sort of powerline post in my opinion). The amount of floating jumps make the map even less attractive and more messy, please try to build your parkour a maximum on/in the build, building it around make the map messy and hide the build with unattractive blocks. The parkour is pretty decent, it's really varied and pretty good, my only negative points is it's way too hard for an expert (Don't think adding a ladder neup in an expert is the best thing to do).
Thanks for submitting your map, would be really good to see more maps from you !
Oh and about all the debate before, I can understand that Noah is a bit abrupt, but you need to accept critisms, he have knowledge about making maps and his reply, even if it's pretty negative, is here to help you, accept what he said so you can avoid making the same mistakes in the future.