
Forum Expert
Jan 21, 2015
284 38

Hey guys! By now, I bet you're wondering what Static is (besides a clan). Static is the premier Minevast Clan. We specialize in games such as Prison, and sometimes KitPvp. However, we are also willing to accept players who specialize in many other PvP-related games from Skywars to Skyblock. Here at Static, our main goal is to improve our PvP skills while working with a team. You might also ask, "Does 'STATIC' stand for anything?" It does in fact stand for something: Superior Tactics And Training In Cooperation. So that's the basic summary of Static, and I hope I've intrigued you to read a little more about our clan!

Static is currently lead by one main proud Minevastian. CiP_Cheech is a Minevast Donor who spends most of his time in-game and loves to play Prison and other PvP based games such as KitPvp. Also you'll be especially expected to friend him on the forums for contacting purposes as he is the main manager of all clan events and membership. That's all for now in the leadership section, but please check here periodically if you're accepted to see if new leaders are accepted.

In Static, we currently only have one basic rank. That rank is member. However, as we advance as a clan, more ranks will be created along with applications for those ranks. We currently have one leaders (as you read above) who all specialize in one specific and different job. However, as a member, you will simply be expected to be active in our clan chat and in-game while attending events when you can. If you apply for a rank (within our clan) in the future, you will be expected to fill out the given requirements of that position. You will be provided with much more specific and informative facts if you are accepted.

So by now you're probably wondering, "How do I apply?" If not, I'm not sure why you've read to this point. We currently have a Forums form( found below) set up for you guys to apply on. It's just the basic questions such as "Why do you want to be in this clan?" and "What's your Skype?" so I can contact you etc. Please note that these applications may take up to three days to receive a response as the leader must coordinate a time and discuss and consider your application. Please only submit one form, and note that we will not account for any second forms that you send in. We will simply consider your first application. If you are accepted, we will contact you either via the forums or via Skype, so keep an eye out for that! If you are denied, please wait at least one week before reapplying, so that you can work on why you were denied. That's all for this section, can't wait to read your applications guys!

There will be clans inside static like CiP. CiP will be the main Prison clan in STATIC. CiP stands for Creepers In Pajamas. There will also be different clans inside STATIC for the different games Minevast has to offer. Also there will be recruiting for these positions because CiP_Cheech will not be doing everything!

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
1. Who else is in the clan and what are their ranks?

You will be provided with a list of members and ranks when you are accepted into the clan, as who is in the clan and what rank they are should not determine whether or not you apply. You will be expected to accept others' differences and personalities during your time in Static.

2. What does “STATIC” stand for?
STATIC stands for Superior Tactics And Training In Cooperation.

3. Where do I apply?
You may apply for Static here on the forums just post a reply with the setup at the bottom of this post. Please answer the application truthfully and thoroughly.

4. Once I'm in the clan, will I ever be kicked out?
you are kicked from Static, it will be for severe inactivity without informing a leader or for not getting along with the other members after a fair amount of time.

5. How long will it take for my application to be responded to?
Please allow up to three days (or 72 hours) for your application to be responded to. This is so that the leader may coordinate and discuss your application thoroughly and fairly without jumping to conclusions.

6. If I'm declined, can I reapply right away?
If your application is declined, please wait at least one week before reapplying so that you may work on what is told to you via your application response. If you reapply before this time is up, it will be automatically declined again.

7. Tips on the application?
Personally, I would recommend that you answer the application truthfully and thoroughly to the best of your ability. Although this application may not be life or death, I want you to give it your all.

8. Is there anything else I should know when applying for Static?
When applying for Static, please keep in mind that if you are accepted you will be assessed in-game and will need to schedule a time for which to do this.

9.Do I have to change my name?
Although I did change my name to CiP_Cheech you do not have to. If you lead a clan inside STATIC or are in STATIC if is highly recommended that you change you name to your clan inside STATIC.

Thank you for reading about this clan, as a lot of effort was put into the creation of this thread and the clan itself. If you've read up to this point, I sincerely hope that you apply for our clan, as you seem like a contending candidate. Once again, thanks, and have a great day, fellow Minevastian!

*I am sorry that I referred to myself in the third person, as it may have been weird reading it

**Please check this doc periodically for updates if you intend to join this clan and if you are accepted.
***Please leave feedback below on what we should change/suggestions for new Clan events/games, and also if we should add any questions to our FAQ.

Current Rank:
Skype (Not Mandatory):
Best Contribution to STATIC:
Achievements that might impress me and want me to invite you:
Reason for Joining:
How you found out about STATIC:
The main Minevast game you play on:
Why you want to be in STATIC:
Last edited:


Skyblock Mod+
Aug 6, 2014
121 4
Disclaimer: Do NOT join this! The Leader is a known hacker! A Major league hacker! Thanks bye!


Dedicated Member
Mar 1, 2015
53 10
Disclaimer: Do NOT join this! The Leader is a known hacker! A Major league hacker! Thanks bye!
You don't like him don't you? Why do you say he's a "hacker"? People can join it if they want to, but I don't like it how you come up on a post and say "DONT JOIN IT!!!!!" I am just saying hes a new person and getting a second chance, but if you guys be rude to him still, I'm not stopping you
but what a bad thing to do.


Skyblock Mod+
Aug 6, 2014
121 4
You don't like him don't you? Why do you say he's a "hacker"? People can join it if they want to, but I don't like it how you come up on a post and say "DONT JOIN IT!!!!!" I am just saying hes a new person and getting a second chance, but if you guys be rude to him still, I'm not stopping you
but what a bad thing to do.
Kid, I know Cheech irl. And he started hacking. He got perm banned on kitpvp, I caught him 3 times give or take 1 times hacking. I can take from what you said, (since you are defending him) that you are a hacker or was once a hacker.


Forum Expert
Jan 21, 2015
284 38
Excuse me but please don't fight on this post it is not about that