So... I been playing around a bit. And I been wondering, how do you defeat the trials for rebirth? I have only been able to make it to the third round without dying, but haven't made it to the fourth round. I find that the baby zombies are really fast and hit hard so I take a lot of damage. I tried using both archer kit and tank kit but PVP isn't my strong suit to begin with. I know that it probably takes practice, but I don't really have the patience to do that...
Tips for trials: Use the archer kit it is the best for trials.
Kite the mobs by sprinting away well jumping to get away. Run around the outer circle is recommened.
Jump onto the cauldrons near the gates for waves (1,3,6) this will help against melee mobs.
Try to get iron armor around wave 4-5. This will increase your survival chances a lot.
Buy 2 fire resistance potions for waves 8-9.
Wave 7 try to kill the evokers and run around the circle on the outside to get time to kill the evokers away from the vex.
Kite the boss around wave 10 to survive.