I think /Friends should be added to MV because sometimes I have friends who play on different parts of the server at a time, So If I join Minevast and want to talk to my friends, I could just do /friends and see who is online and where they are.
Also, for PK I think donators should get /pv to transfer items between the 2 servers (Parkour 3 is the same server as parkour2.) and so we can get extra space to put stuff in. Why for donors?
Its not like any non-donators ever had THEIR inventory full of speed pots or hats. =P so donors need more space to put their pots and stuff in. And plus, for some reason my enderchest doesn't sync any items.
Post your opinion below!
Also, for PK I think donators should get /pv to transfer items between the 2 servers (Parkour 3 is the same server as parkour2.) and so we can get extra space to put stuff in. Why for donors?
Its not like any non-donators ever had THEIR inventory full of speed pots or hats. =P so donors need more space to put their pots and stuff in. And plus, for some reason my enderchest doesn't sync any items.
Post your opinion below!