Mystic Rank
Access to full servers
Special kit - Mystic Theme Kit
Mystic Kit
Cost = 140.00USD / 150.00USD / 160.00USD
Please Leave Your Opinion.
Access to full servers
Special kit - Mystic Theme Kit
- Access to the /invsee command
(View players inventories) - Access to the /fix command
- Access to the /speed command
- Access to the heal/feed other players
- Access to the /fly command
- Access to the /heal command
- Access to the /spawner command
- Access to the /back command
- Access to the /feed command
- Access to the /ptime command
- Access to the /cook command
- Access to the /enderchest command
- Access to the /workbench command
- Access to the /nickname command
- Access to the /tpahere command
- Access to the /clearinventory command
- Access to the /hat command
- Custom Mystic prefix
- Exclusive Donator Starting Island
- Coloured Chat
- Coloured/BOLD Nickname
- 8 homes
- Coloured Signs
- x2 mcMMO experience
- Keep your EXP on death
- Donator starting island
- All farm and hostile pets unlocked permanently
- Access to disguise as all farm animals
- Access to disguise as all neutral mobs
- Access to disguise as all hostile mobs
- Access to the Donator Shop
- Access to change Spawner Types
- 600 mcMMO credits
- $175,000
Mystic Kit
- Diamond Helmet
- Diamond Chestplate
- Diamond Leggings
- Diamond Boots
- Diamond Pickaxe 1
- Diamond Sword 1
- Diamond Shovel 1
- Diamond Axe 1
- Bow 1
- Arrow 64
- Steak 64
- Torch 64
- Logs 64
- Stone 128
- Access to the /tp command
- Access to the /plot merge command
- Access to the /pet snowman command
- Access to the /pet villager command
- Access to the /pet ocelot command
- Access to all the Disguises
- Access to help host official events
- Ultra WorldEdit
- Custom Mystic prefix
- Own up to 7 Plots
- Ability to merge Plots
- Bold / Italic / Magic Chat
- Coloured / Magic / Bold Signs
- Forum Rank tag
- BETA Tester
- More coming soon...
- Access to the /back command
- Access to the /extinguish command
- Access to the /vault 4 command
- Access to the /fix all command
- Access to the /near command
- Access to the /heal command [1 Minute]
- Access to the /recipe command
- Access to the Vast commands
- Access to the 12 homes
- Mystic Helmet
Diamond Helmet: Protection IV, Unbreaking II, Projectile I - Mystic Chestplate
Diamond Chestplate: Protection IV, Unbreaking II, Projectile I - Mystic Leggings
Diamond Leggings: Protection IV, Unbreaking II, Projectile I - Mystic Boots
Diamond Boots: Protection IV, Unbreaking II, Projectile I - Mystic Sword
Diamond Sword: Sharpness IV, Fire Aspect II, Unbreaking II, Looting I - Mystic Bow
Bow: Power V, Infinity I, Flame I, Punch I - Mystic Axe
Diamond Axe: Sharpness III - Golden Apples 6
Perks: - Ability to use silk touch on all spawners
- Ability to join the server when it's full
- Extra +10 power boost
- Access to the VIP Shop [/warp vip]
- Coloured Signs
- Change your Prefix
- All items from Vast
- Obsidian 320
- Ultra Pickaxe
- $200,000
- 400 Gems
- 40,000 EXP
- Access to /ptime command
- Access to /disenchant command
- Access to /near command
- Access to /Workbench command
- Access to the /repair command
- Access to the /nickname command
- Access to the /hat command
- Access to the /feed command
- Access to the /tpahere command
- Exclusive Duel Arenas
- Good Spawn Locations with the teleporter
- Double Daily Golden Apples
- Access to a personal /Vault 5
- 6 Gem Crate Keys
- Special Forum Tag
- Prioritized Support
- Reserved Server Slot
- Add colour to your Nick Name
- Add Bold to your Nick Name
- Diamond Sword
Sharpness I - Iron Helmet
Protection I - Diamond Chestplate
Projectile Protection I - Chain Leggings
Protection I - Chain Boots
Protection I - Bow
Power II, Punch II, Unbreaking I, Infinity I - Golden Apple 4
- Steak 64
- EnderPearl 4
- Access to the /heal & /feed command
- Access to the /invsee command
( Look in peoples inventory ) - Head on the Wall of Fame
- Access to ALL the kits
- Access to the Vast commands
- Access to change your Prefix
- Access to the Donator Mine
- Access to the Donator Lounge
- Access to the Donator Furnace Room
- 85 Points
Mystic Kit - Mystic Pickaxe
Diamond Pickaxe: Efficiency 27, Unbreaking III, Fortune VI - Mystic Sword
- Diamond Helmet: Protection IV, Unbreaking I
- Mystic Chestplate
Diamond Chestplate: Protection IV, Unbreaking I - Mystic Leggings
Diamond Leggings: Protection IV, Unbreaking I - Sponsor Boots
Diamond Boots: Protection IV, Unbreaking I - God Apple 5
- Ability to join full servers
- Give yourself a coloured nickname
- Access to the /speed command
- Access to the /minecart disguise
- Access to the /silverfish disguise
- Ability to chat in colors /color
- Access to the Donator Courses
- Access to the Swaggy Lounge
- Access to Create your own customized Rain Cloud!
- Access to the Tear Rain Cloud
- Access to the Blood Rain Cloud
- Access to the Diamond Rain Cloud
- Access to the Wart Rain Cloud
- Access to the Gold Rain Cloud
- Enchanted Golden Helmet 1
- Gems 1500
- Custom Premium prefix
- Donator Kit
- 3 Invisibility Potions
- Invisibility: (6:00)
- 2 Swiftness Potions
- Speed: (6:00)
- EXP Bottles 4
Cost = 140.00USD / 150.00USD / 160.00USD
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