Rejected Monkey parkour - easy

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Jul 19, 2020
Username: BunkyDAmonkey Map name: Monkey Parkour ID number: 103;23 Difficulty: easy (this is my first submission so i Don't know if its Good or bad)
Screenshot (2).png
Screenshot (1).png


Forum Expert
May 17, 2020
172 1
Hi, as far as I’m aware, there is already an easy map called MonkeyPk. Here are all the themes related to in manacube at the moment:

It’s a nice build and a good idea however this lowers the chance of it being accepted unfortunately.

Next time I would recommend looking at this before building:

This is a document with all the maps created. I hope this helps in the future.

I would also in the future not recommend having floating islands (even though it is only a small section of the map) and instead one solid build as floating island maps tend not to be accepted anymore.

In regards to what I’ve said, I have not been in game and tested the map and done the parkour so I cannot make any judgment on that!

Good luck on the verdict and best of wishes, Chicken
Jul 19, 2020
Hi, as far as I’m aware, there is already an easy map called MonkeyPk. Here are all the themes related to in manacube at the moment: View attachment 32299

It’s a nice build and a good idea however this lowers the chance of it being accepted unfortunately.

Next time I would recommend looking at this before building:

This is a document with all the maps created. I hope this helps in the future.

I would also in the future not recommend having floating islands (even though it is only a small section of the map) and instead one solid build as floating island maps tend not to be accepted anymore.

In regards to what I’ve said, I have not been in game and tested the map and done the parkour so I cannot make any judgment on that!

Good luck on the verdict and best of wishes, Chicken
Thanks for letting me know that. I’ll try to make an original theme next time


Forum Expert
May 17, 2020
172 1
Thanks for letting me know that. I’ll try to make an original theme next time
This isn’t to say that the judges won’t decide differently. I hope to see your name in here again in the future!


Forum Legend
May 12, 2019
501 11
Hey BunkyDAmonkey

Unfortunately, I will be REJECTING this map submission.
  • Theme: As we have an overabundance of monkey-related maps currently on our server, this is a very unoriginally themed map submission. I recommend that you look at our list of previously used maps/themes as to prevent such things in the future: .
  • Build: Personally, I don't think the build is very good. For starters, I think there's a major issue in focus/theme portrayal. The best way to portray your theme accurately is to create a central build themed around it. Here, you built a lot of components all over the place. Your map had a monkey head, bananas, trees, and a pyramid. The thing that confuses me the most about this is the pyramid, it has no place on this map. You should have focused on the monkey. Like you could've made a monkey holding a banana with trees around him. But that's not what you did, you just put these things floating next to each other. Which, are also not built attractively. It proves to be an unfocused and unattractive build.
  • Parkour: The parkour is definitely easy enough for an easy map, but it felt a little too long (since it was 50~ jumps). So, I'd recommend cutting back on a couple. Yet, this wasn't the only issue I found. It had two others: floating parkour and repetitive parkour. Floating pk is an easy fix, just integrate it better into your build. Don't have it floating around aimlessly. The repetitive nature of the parkour, though, is a little trickier. There were multiple instances where the same jump/block was used consecutively. For example, the floating banana head segment or floating fence segment. These are cases of the same jumps back to back. But, your map was also mainly comprised of fence/ladders/heads. You should experiment more, try to use this wide array of tools you have at your disposition.
I hope you take these criticisms into consideration when submitting maps in the future, good luck!
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