Hugs n' Hugs n' Hugs


Forum Legend
Aug 11, 2019
1,931 53
Although I love the chat feelings and more specifically, the hugs. There are a few problems with the current hug system. These are not critical to the game but are something that I think would make it more fair, enjoyable, and interesting for all players.

Since the /hugs top leaderboard is a global leaderboard, I believe it should also follow some of the rules along the lines that other leaderboards do. Obviously there are no payouts for hugs top, but boosting should not be allowed. More specifically I'm talking about hugging with alts. I do not find this okay to do. I find it as an act of poor sportsmanship. With this current system you could get hundreds or thousands of alts, and then make your way to the top almost instantly. I suggest adding some kind of blocker that makes it so that accounts on the same IP can not hug you. I believe this would be doable since there is already a blocker to limit accounts connecting from one IP.
Whether this means hugs given in the past from alts will be removed, I don't know. That would be for the Admins/Devs to decide. I'm okay either way.

On KitPvP and Factions, the chat that tells you when you hug someone, or you've been hugged is different from everywhere else. I personally do not like this. I find it harder to see the chat as it blends in more. I think these two game modes should have the chat changed to the same as the rest of the server.

When you enter /hugs top is tells you "web leaderboard soon". I know there is already the web leaderboard, as Dacon informed me on his Q&A, but the display in game needs to be updated still.
Also, the web leaderboard has some sync issues. Sometimes it displays names as "Herobrine". Sometimes it shows an incorrect rank. I understand that the rank might be associated with /link that doesn't work too well, but I have no clue why the names are sometimes "Herobrine".
I think it would be pretty cool if there was a chart like thing, that showed daily hugs. One of the popular Aether players used to have a spreadsheet that tracked the daily hugs from the top 10 players. I think it would be awesome if that was added to the online leaderboard thing.

Hugs Given:
Something that I think would be interesting to see added would be a command to see how many hugs you have given. This might be hard to do because you would have to go back to the beginning with every player and count how many are given. But it'd certainly be cool to see! And maybe if they can't make it so every hug ever done has been accounted for, maybe from 'this' point on it can start tracking hugs given.
There is already a suggestion page post for this. It was created by @el_penguino3

Hugs Gotten:
I think it would be cool if you could see who players have hugged you the most. This kind of goes along with hugs given in that it would be hard to backtrack and get a count. But I think it could be added and would be very cool to see.

Another, but more intriguing, hug thread:

What do you guys think of hugs? and of my suggestions above?

Edit added from comment:
Hug Reset Time:
Some people have a weird hug reset time. For most people, it's 8 pm eastern, but certain players, about 1/10, have hug reset at midnight eastern. I have no clue why this happens, but it's sometimes frustrating when hugging friends and you already hugged them but they can hug you.
I think it should be the same for everyone. Either 8 pm for all, or midnight for all.
Although this is an improvement form the system that existed before where you could spam hugs at the reset time, it still needs fixing.
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Forum Legend
Aug 11, 2019
1,931 53
Oh! Also! Some people have a weird hug reset time. For most people, it's 8 pm eastern, but certain players, about 1/10, have hug reset at midnight eastern. I have no clue why this happens, but it's sometimes frustrating when hugging friends and you already hugged them but they can hug you.
I think it should be the same for everyone. Either 8 pm for all, or midnight for all.
Although this is an improvement form the system that existed before where you could spam hugs at the reset time, it still needs fixing.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2017
These are some really good ideas :eek: I didn't know people got their alts to hug them and I agree that's pretty unfair. I really like the hugs given & hugs gotten ideas!