Moderators Don't False Ban People!

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Oct 4, 2015
4 1
One time a moderator banned my friend for a week for doing nothing. This is not a ban appeal just a recommendation. I ask mods to be more careful when they are banning people, like fight them 3 times and record them. After you record them consult two other mods to make sure the hack, then temp ban! Don't go around willy nilly banning anyone you deem a hacker, you have to be positive! The people who accept staff applications watch out.


Dedicated Member
Sep 23, 2015
97 13
No, just... no.
I have a few things wrong with this post.
#1. Moderators are almost always told of a potential hacker by players so this means in order for them to get banned they would likely have two people think they are hacking.
#2. The moderators are very well trained on identifying hacks. Therefore they shouldn't need to "fight" them three times. Also if they are unsure they will consult others or "fight" the player again.
#3. They ALWAYS HAVE EVIDENCE of someone when they ban or even when they mute. It's a procedure.
#4. Your friend could have been reported on the Player Reports (WITH PROPER EVIDENCE) section of the forums and then gotten banned while not using hacks.
#5. The head of Staff Applications is @Purple4me and she does a wonderful job of rejecting people who don't know hacks or punishments.
"Don't go around willy nilly" posting threads of things you assume but obviously don't have proper information for.
The staff does a wonderful job of keeping hackers off the server and I applaud them for that.
I hope I helped you to understand the staff's banning requirements better,
~Cheech <3
Oct 4, 2015
4 1
My friend doesn't hack how is that possible?
[DOUBLEPOST=1444171158][/DOUBLEPOST]He doesn't hack so how is the evidence possible, also they moderator won't even share the evidence just to make sure he isn't lying.
[DOUBLEPOST=1444171235][/DOUBLEPOST]How does someone say that someone is hacking when they don't hack, he has been accused of reach yet he doesn't use it? Apparently something is wrong here, and I'm pretty sure I know my friend better than Tyjoe12 and his evidence.
[DOUBLEPOST=1444171331][/DOUBLEPOST]If they are so welled trained then why did he ban my friend? Sorry to be mean but this is unfair to me and him. Brandon can't play until Sunday now because some mod banned him for doing nothing!
[DOUBLEPOST=1444171492,1444171116][/DOUBLEPOST]Sorry for the string of messages. I am not going willy nilly this is the only complaint I have posted online and I have talked to my friend on skype, at school, and at his house, I can see that with my own eyes Cheech.
[DOUBLEPOST=1444171698][/DOUBLEPOST]I already talked to the moderator who banned my friend and he has told me the information. That moderator is Tyjoe12 you can go talk to him and ask him for the proof if you want, and then send it to me so I can judge it myself. I know your staff is good but sometimes they don't always follow rules.
[DOUBLEPOST=1444172236][/DOUBLEPOST]The last thing I would say in response for you just want to get it out. This is in response to your list. :)
1. Are they sure the players that told them are just mad or lagging? Since his ban was from reach that could cause some problems.
2. They shouldn't fight them three times but they should at least fight them twice. Even if they are trained they still need to check and double check. Even very trained people still need to do that.
3. Who is to say that the mod has evidence, they have to consult with two other mods to make sure they aren't spouting nonsense, and then at least should give the defender the proof just to see if they could tell.
4. You can't be reported with proper evidence if there is no proper evidence to be had.
5. I like purple4me and she would do good right now looking at the evidence, you know if you and she could look at the Tyjoe12's evidence and then agree after giving me the evidence as well then I would agree. Yet, you trust all moderators so much that you don't need to look at their evidence just to say I'm wrong.

Hope you under stand <3 DarkshadowDS17
P.S Sorry for the rant, you might want to check your things first before talking about this. To both mod and "hacker".
[DOUBLEPOST=1444172469][/DOUBLEPOST]Hey tyjoe12 glad you are reading this


Dedicated Member
Sep 23, 2015
97 13
Well the edit button is there for a reason and if your friend thinks he was un-rightfully banned he/she (I'm assuming he cause you called them Brandon) can apply for a ban appeal here . There the evidence should be revealed. Also your friend told you they were banned for no reason but hacks are really easy to delete or conceal (from what I've herd). Not calling your friend a liar but it's possible. Also mistakes do happen. If it truly wasn't him hacking sorry people aren't perfect. I know Tyjoe and he wouldn't ban someone unless he knew they were potentially hacking. Your friend may have fought him once but all mods on kit-pvp have the ability to spectate players. Lastly if you want the evidence to be reviewed (if it hasn't been already) please tell your friend to put that in their ban appeal.
~Cheech <3
Oct 4, 2015
4 1
Thanks man <3 oh yeah tyjoe12 said he won't give his evidence out to anyone, can you ask him I don't trust him at the moment. Tyjoe12 also said that temp bans aren't allowed to e appealed to.
[DOUBLEPOST=1444172982][/DOUBLEPOST]Also there is nothing that has anything to do with my friend, there are only two cases there. What do I do now?
Last edited:


Dedicated Member
Sep 23, 2015
97 13
That's true temp bans aren't allowed to be appealed to. Forgot about that one sorry :p and it is right of him not to give his evidence out. If you think he is abusing his moderator privileges to ban people unfairly you could report him but I don't see it necessary as Purpz has likely already spoken to him. If you need anymore information about the subject feel free to contact a mod online or off they will get to it asap but if you don't trust Tyler then don't message him about it. My recommendation is to just message @Purple4me because she is Sr. Mod and typically deals with player reports and helper training.
~Cheech <3


Admin | Staff Manager
Jul 12, 2014
510 21
Since you've inboxed me a few times let me address this thread.

I ask mods to be more careful when they are banning people, like fight them 3 times and record them.
My staff team are incredibly careful when they are banning people. Not only do we have a report system in place for players to report hackers but we also have an anti-hacking system that alerts our moderators to possible hackers to which our Moderators have the ability to invisibly teleport to, and fly around, suspected hackers so they can watch them fight other KitPvP players and determine if they're indeed hacking.

Moderators also have the ability to spawn both visible and invisible NPC's around a suspected hacker so they can check for things like killaura and such. So - before a Moderator takes action on banning they run the person through various different checks before making a conclusion on whether the player is hacking or not.

After you record them consult two other mods to make sure the hack, then temp ban! Don't go around willy nilly banning anyone you deem a hacker, you have to be positive!
Tyler did actually show his video evidence to Gappeled, who also agreed that the player in question was hacking.

also they moderator won't even share the evidence just to make sure he isn't lying.
I'm pretty sure I know my friend better than Tyjoe12 and his evidence.
You can't be reported with proper evidence if there is no proper evidence to be had.
This matter doesn't concern you, that is why you aren't being shown any evidence. Tyler is under no obligation, and we actually promote this behaviour, to waste his time trying to assure you that your friends ban was legitimate.

and then at least should give the defender the proof just to see if they could tell.
If your friend actually wants to see the evidence mounted against him he can post a ban appeal, using the correct format. While his appeal wont be accepted this is the correct way to contact the Moderator that banned you to get the evidence.

Who is to say that the mod has evidence, they have to consult with two other mods to make sure they aren't spouting nonsense, and then at least should give the defender the proof just to see if they could tell.
It is a MineVast staff guideline that all bans must require proof. Hacking related bans are always accompanied by video evidence that the moderator keeps hold off until the player submits a ban appeal.

So in short; My moderating team do a very good job determining who is actually hacking and who is not. They have a variety of checks that help them determine who is hacking and always have evidence to back it up. This evidence is never needed to be shown to a third party (friends of the accused) and is only there to help in the case of a ban appeal.

Please don't get involved in matters that don't concern you, if you want to help your friend then have him post a ban appeal.



Dedicated Member
Sep 23, 2015
97 13
Thanks for the compliment Dark! I do not know if I am allowed to disclose the information of why I am not staff so I will not do so.
Also @Dynsalir thank you for clearing up the confusion about appealing on a temp ban to see the evidence. That was my initial thought but I wasn't sure of it. :D
~Cheech <3
Oct 4, 2015
4 1
Since you've inboxed me a few times let me address this thread.

My staff team are incredibly careful when they are banning people. Not only do we have a report system in place for players to report hackers but we also have an anti-hacking system that alerts our moderators to possible hackers to which our Moderators have the ability to invisibly teleport to, and fly around, suspected hackers so they can watch them fight other KitPvP players and determine if they're indeed hacking.

Moderators also have the ability to spawn both visible and invisible NPC's around a suspected hacker so they can check for things like killaura and such. So - before a Moderator takes action on banning they run the person through various different checks before making a conclusion on whether the player is hacking or not.

Has tyjoe12 done this yet?
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