About Manacube...

What is the best game mode?

  • Survival

    Votes: 38 31.4%
  • Olympus

    Votes: 17 14.0%
  • Parkour

    Votes: 42 34.7%
  • Creative

    Votes: 4 3.3%
  • Skyblock

    Votes: 3 2.5%
  • Islands

    Votes: 7 5.8%
  • Kitpvp

    Votes: 6 5.0%
  • Factions

    Votes: 4 3.3%

  • Total voters


Forum God
Jul 1, 2019
1,787 69
Firstly I hope you enjoyed my click bait title. I definitely did. I have a bunch of questions like I always do and I genuinely want to know what the most big brain Manacube players think (forum users).

What is your favourite thing about Manacube?
If you could change one thing about Manacube what would it be?
What makes the community so important to the success of Manacube?
New Features or Bug fixes, why?

Please answer any you like and if you have any questions about Staffing or why Survival is the best gamemode feel free to ask and I will answer in as much detail as I can.

- Rap


Forum Legend
Sep 11, 2019
845 14
Hey Rap! Feels bad to get clickbaited but,

What would I change about manacube?
I would probably remove factions, factions takes up alot of staffteam’s time. If they would remove factions there would be way more spare time to reset other gamemodes.

I would also love shorter SB seasons. Last season lasted 9 months (13-07 till 11-04) currently were 8 months in and SB got kinda boring.

The community is important, but why?

I think manacube has one of the most welcoming communities ever. Back when I joined just to play skyblock I got ‘dragged’ into the community. If it wasn’t for the community I wouldn’t have returned in February. People are super nice and caring which I believe helps in making and growing manacube into what it is today.

Bug fixes or new features?

Definitely bug fixes, at this point I’m mostly talking about Worldedit on skyblock which has been disabled for 8 months now unfortunately. I think fixing bugs is more important than adding features because, the pile of bugs will only grow the more stuff get released.

Great post rap! I’m going to be watching this thread closely eversince I’m curious what other people think :D

(PS if you are reading this, HAPPY HOLIDAYS)


Forum God
Jul 1, 2019
1,787 69
What would I change about manacube?
I would probably remove factions, factions takes up alot of staffteam’s time. If they would remove factions there would be way more spare time to reset other gamemodes.

I would also love shorter SB seasons. Last season lasted 9 months (13-07 till 11-04) currently were 8 months in and SB got kinda boring.
Interesting so does your view on Shorter skyblock seasons factor into your view of the core mechanics being fun but end game being boring? Do you think longer seasons play a part in the build up of our community? I personally think they do.

Factions has a huge amount of potential here despite what everyone says on Discord. I can't comment on how much it might take up time from other game modes because I genuinely don't have a clue.

Definitely bug fixes, at this point I’m mostly talking about Worldedit on skyblock which has been disabled for 8 months now unfortunately. I think fixing bugs is more important than adding features is because, the pile of bugs will only grow the more stuff get released.
I mean in my personal opinion I actually think having World edit is kind of bad. The only reason it exists on Skyblock is for building and I personally feel like custom made terrain is much nicer. I do understand your frustration but I'd rather have it disabled then it be abused.

Overall I do find your perspective interesting. Thanks for your response, I'm also looking forward to seeing what happens in this thread as I think I'm going to find it interesting.


Dedicated Member
Jul 22, 2020
91 2
What is your favourite thing about Manacube?
Probably parkour but the chat on parkour is kinda horible. I like the comunity tho.

If you could change one thing about Manacube what would it be?
The toxicity of parkour chat... I would also rename Adventure maps back to Champion maps.

What makes the community so important to the success of Manacube?
Well I get on manacube a lot and not always just to do parkour, but to chat with friends too.

New Features or Bug fixes, why?
Well on parkour CullanP already fixed everything... So no, not really.

Cookie Kat

Forum God
Oct 17, 2018
1,276 98
What is your favourite thing about Manacube?
I'm gonna say my favourite part about Manacube is the community. Hands down, it's the best aspect of Minecraft. Without a good community, I get bored quickly and lose interest in the game.

If you could change one thing about Manacube what would it be?
Since this is theoretical/hypothetical, I would end toxicity on Manacube. Not only would it make moderation much easier, but it would make everyone's experience overall more enjoyable. No one really enjoys listening to people arguing and being toxic in chat 24/7. I'll admit I've had my share of disputes and arguments- and yes I have been toxic before, but I'm doing my best to move past that.

What makes the community so important to the success of Manacube?
Like I mentioned previously, for myself and many others the community is the best part about Manacube. Thinking about it from a more business perspective, if you don't have a large community that supports the server, it won't be as successful because there will be less income to keep the server running and pay the developers.

New Features or Bug fixes, why?
Bug fixes!! Screw new features- they're great and all but I think it's more important to fix existing bugs. As I see it- if you add new features there are bound to be NEW bugs on top of the fifty billion pre-existing bugs that players constantly keep complaining about...

Also sonic, I just want to say that survival ISN'T the best server. You can tell me why you think survival is the best gamemode, but unless it's a compelling explanation, I will have to respectfully disagree with that statement.

Questions about staffing:
- what's the best part about being staff?
- Favorite moment on manacube as staff
- who is the stinkiest mod on Manacube? (you don't have to answer this, lol)


Dedicated Member
Jun 12, 2020
251 8
What is your favourite thing about Manacube? I'm going to piggyback off of what everyone else said and agree with them that the community is my favorite thing about Manacube. Now, what I find to be great about the community is that (moreso on the forums & sometimes on Discord), the Manacube community is extremely positive compared to most other servers. The staff and players interact a lot more than they do on other servers and I think this is what really ties everyone together.

If you could change one thing about Manacube what would it be?
If I could change one thing about Manacube, I'd like to have a bit more transparency about the punishment system. I know I have complained about this in the past, and I know that staff members have tried to offer clarity, but I still find myself somewhat confused and I would appreciate maybe a place on the wiki to illustrate in detail how the punishment system works. Maybe this would hinder the effectiveness of the system, which I understand, but it's my ideal situation.

What makes the community so important to the success of Manacube? Without the community, there is no Manacube. There is no one to vote for the server to make it up high on the ranking lists, there is no one to invite their friends to play, and there is no one to offer the countless joyful & nostalgic moments that have been made through connections on the server.

New Features or Bug fixes, why? Bug fixes and then new features, for reasons others have stated above. You need to fix what's broken and then add onto it.


Forum Legend
Aug 11, 2019
1,907 47
What I like about Manacube is that there is challenging competitiveness everywhere, but that it doesn't take away from what you want to do while playing. It allows for you to be you, or for you to be bigger than yourself. To me, the community can just buzz off. I wouldn't mind if the chat was perm muted.

I better not receive hate for this like I always do, but Manacube needs to fix their unkept promises. Without going into details, there are SO many things that are left 'in progress', ignored, or forgotten about.
This goes along with my biggest pet peeve of Manacube where it doesn't feel like they let their players know what is going on. In a tight-knit community like Manacube, I believe an essential part of the upkeep is to tell people what is going on. If you were getting a new house built, you wouldn't keep yourself in the dark about what is going on. You'd check up on it. You'd see when the foundation is complete, when the framing is complete, the electrical, the water, the walls, the appliances, the roofing, etc.

While the Manacube community can be described as great, I'm not sure it's something unique to the style of server that Manacube is. Manacube is not a minigame server where people see each other for 4 minutes then rarely ever again. But instead, you spend hours a day, days a week, seeing the same people, it becomes as if you live together. But that's not the question-- sorry.
The community makes people more willing to help each other out. Then all the necessities for the server are met, and the upkeep from the player side is quickly fulfilled and surpassed.

Bug fixes. I'm still waiting for a fix to the bug where armor has no set durability on Olympus which I first reported in November 2019. I still have an open ticket from June about scrambler score.
The 2x exp from certain armor sets has never worked while I've been on Manacube. I reported it at least 3 times myself and have witnessed numerous others report it too. Only as they prepare for Olympus season 4 do they fix it, but instead of also fixing it on Olympus, they decide to keep it broken for another 3 weeks.


Forum Expert
Jan 9, 2020
395 5
1. What is your favourite thing about Manacube?
My favorite thing about ManaCube is between two aspects: the community and staffing. Being able to become a part of a community that plays the same game every day with one another is one of the best things a server could ever ask for. Being able to grow in that community is so awesome, especially through an online game. The second aspect for me is staffing. Being able to see ManaCube from a player's side as well as a staff member's side really makes me appreciate the server as a whole, as I see a lot of behind the scenes of how hard everyone actually works. I never knew how much work was actually put into staffing, therefore when I saw how much some individuals do for the server I really took a step back and appreciated it.

2. If you could change one thing about Manacube what would it be?
If I could change one thing about ManaCube, I'd have to go with one of two things: Parkour chat and not having minigames. I love being able to volunteer for ManaCube, therefore I am always ready to take on Parkour chat whenever I need to. However, sometimes it can become a bit frustrating how many people come onto the server just to troll, start flame wars about politics, or scream about Dream and Techno, therefore if I could change anything about Parkour chat, it would definitely be to eliminate that toxic aspect of it. The other thing I would change is that ManaCube currently does not have any minigames. I would absolutely love for ManaCube to add mini arcade games or any minigame in general!

3. What makes the community so important to the success of Manacube?
As ManaCube is not a minigame server, communities are important to its success. If ManaCube did not have its overall/individual game mode communities, not many players would continue to play after such a long period of time as it would be boring without players you know and love to talk to. A huge part of ManaCube is the communities built within each game mode, as Creative players play with one another every day, Survival players play with one another each day, Olympus players, Parkour players, etc. If there was no community aspect, no one would talk to each other or get to know one another and playing the same game mode by themselves would easily get boring. There would be no Discord calls, everyone would be strangers, and the people who log onto ManaCube for the chat and in-game conversations would have no reason to join!

4. New Features or Bug fixes, why?
Personally, I'll have to go with both. Many players only see the buggy part of ManaCube and focus on its flaws, however coming from a backseat view of everything, I have to say that our admins and devs do so much for the server already and are not appreciated enough for it. Yes, the server is not perfect, however stop attacking the higher ups when focusing on what might have a little flaw and appreciate all of the hard work they already do. Overall, this is a Minecraft server; it isn't always going to be perfect. Therefore I am extremely thankful of what has already been done and fixed by our admins and devs and will continue to recognize their hard work.
New features are always nice to see, as it adds a bit of change in the system! I am always excited to see new updates and revamps, therefore new features overall would definitely bring more players to ManaCube and help the community grow.


Forum Expert
Nov 9, 2020
367 5
What is your favorite thing about Manacube?
I believe my favorite thing on manacube is the community (also parkour), but it's really nice to have started on manacube almost 2 months ago and everyone has been so welcoming and welcomed me into the friendly and ever-growing community. The events are also amazing, love all of them (even if I can't attend most of them, due to work or family haha).

If you could change one thing about Manacube what would it be?

Parkour chat; I would possibly code a chat filter just for parkour chat itself as sometimes, as most people can tell, it can get very overwhelming, but still manageable. Although there's not much I would change about Manacube, sure there are some things that could be changed, but in my opinion, shouldn't; such as the parkour challenge mode timer.

What makes the community so important to the success of Manacube?

I mean, a community is a backbone for anything; video games, Minecraft servers, huge corporations (Apple. Samsung, Music artists). Without communities, most ideas and corporations/servers wouldn't be able to exist, due to there being no backing at all from the passionate users of the services provided. Manacube offers a lot of "services", meaning it caters to a very wide demographic; thus, allowing for more players to be captivated by the server, they then feel comfortable staying here and start to weld themself into the wider community and enjoy playing here until they get 400+ hours on parkour and patron+... I digress.

All in all, I believe it's the community's job to provide feedback and ensure that the server's game modes work well and that the network itself stays alive. Manacube's Minevast community is really good at ensuring they enjoy the game modes they are playing, and if they aren't then issues will be pinged at staff. But again, that's just how I see it.

New Features or Bug fixes, why?
I actually prefer bug fixes, I'd rather see ironed out full released features that work really well, rather than pushed features that are very new and are semi/partially broken; albeit, I understand that most New Features aren't broken, I've just had experiences in the past where features aren't fully tested and issues arise in the first few hours of release.

Have a good one everybody, a merry Christmas and a happy new year!


Forum God
Jul 28, 2020
1,364 146
1) Community.
2) Creative. Other than building, looking, and chatting, there's not much more. @Samara__ though is doing a great job with communicating with Creative staff to change things, and setting up cool events! #weneedcrates
3) I feel that if there weren't nice people on the server and just toxic people, nobody would stay. It's nice to have good people who care about you :)
4) New features, more the better xD

You have a good one too everyone <3


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2020
46 5
2-I would change most of the staff team, and me being muted, i would change that
3-friends, things to do, would be boring with a toxic or dead community
4- ender wand is still broken as shit in survival


Forum Master
Dec 19, 2019
877 13
imagine SHOUTING to bribe people with cubits to vote for survival smh smh smh kek
1) My favorite thing is our community, specifically the Mappers on Parkour. I love the collaborative environment that we have slowly created and everyone is so supportive of one another and their work. Y'all are great :)
2) I would take all the toxicity out of Parkour. There was a time where things were far more peaceful, and now there are a great number of people who come only to troll or cause problems. It's fine in the end, we do our best to handle this.
3) I think because the community is so vocal and connected across the different gamemodes, it contributes a lot to the environment that keeps players here. People are overall very helpful and friendly, and if you are willing to put yourself out there and talk to others, you will find your people here. Who knows, you may even find friends that help you through tough times like 2020 <3

4) I would agree with people above in saying that I would want bug fixes BEFORE new features. There are new features that I really want...parties on parkour or channeled chats, global guilds, I'd still love to see a parkour treadmill minigame but I know that's AMBITIOUS at this time.


Forum Legend
Dec 11, 2018
969 30
What is your favorite thing about Manacube?
- When it comes to Manacube I have to say my favorite part of it is the community. I do not mean to sound cheesy or cliché when saying this I just truly enjoy interacting with so many of you who frequent Manacube and it's platforms. I find myself enjoying the forums the most but as I have become more active within the discord the more drive I have to talk even more there! I have started two lil game threads and will be starting another one tonight- and I will also be keeping on my player spotlight posts later this week. Not only do I enjoy interacting with the community, I enjoy doing things for the community. As my profile and signature says not only am I staff on three servers I am also an Event Coordinator. As an Event Coordinator I am responsible, along with four others, with running, updating, and planning current and new events on Manacube. This means I get to be more directly connected to players of all servers and demographics. This is really something I enjoy because it gets me away from having tunnel vision due to what servers I staff on. I also have really enjoy the community more so on creative recently, as some of you know until today I was the only moderator on creative. I saw that this was a community that was in desperate need of moderation and simple communication. I have made it my goal to advocate for creative as well as all gamemodes on Manacube.

If you could change one thing about Manacube what would it be?
- This is an interesting question, as dumb as it may sound I would just simply enjoy it if our community was kinder and safer. This might sound like an impossible thought but- it would be nice to not have to punish people daily for horrible things like hatespeech, doxxing, ddosing, death threatsm and so on. I know it is the internet and it is such a wide mix of personalities this seems like a near impossible feat. I try to remain as kind as possible while balancing my joking teasing personality. I just want it to be known that if anyone ever needs someone to talk to or just wants someone to talk to... you are all welcome to message me at any time and I will do my best to reply and have a conversation with you. Sometimes that is all we need. (Discord: lilkayla#4335)

What makes the community so important to the success of Manacube?
- Without the community there would be no Manacube. In simplest of terms a game that has features such as; parties, public chat, friend system, and clans... it would not be nearly as successful without a strong community.

New Features or Bug fixes, why?
- A mix of both, I know that is a cheap way of me avoiding the question but- with a server that has this many gamemode staff and developers must find a balance that will not only keep each gamemode fresh but still playable and enjoyable. I truly think you cannot have one without the other. For example: the fruit merchant on oylmpus- hes broken but no one, and I mean no one, uses him or what he sells as it is almost irrlevent to the game at this point. So, If I had to choose between him being fixed OR something new being added that would add more content and extend playtime- I would choose the new addition. Of course this could be vice versa depending on how important the bugs/new additions are. However, that is my whole point of saying we need to work towards finding a strong balance. Another example of this can be how many players and others complain about how factions gets reset so often, currently it does take time away from making advancements in other gamemode but we need to realize that if factions does not have frequent resets the gamemode will die. It is a give take relationship between all servers.