Who ever made the rule about the SPAWNER PILLARS is making this server sick to play! I remember when factions was like "Oh I got breached... I lost all my value...) No in this case we've got a shit ton of factions abusing the rules just so they can win the map. Who wants to raid a faction which base looks like this
(https://prnt.sc/1vhocmh) 6 boxes to y60.... 30 blocks high. With 5 chunks of Finsters... Then you say ok you just have to adjust down and breach the boxes but then you get in the base and spawners look like this ( ) ( ). And their f top looking like (https://prnt.sc/1vhols6) SO FUN... And then you think thats it!? no Let me interduce you to throwable Creeper eggs which cost 225k each https://gyazo.com/276fe73a2de2fcaa370535807aeb9a66
) And then Lightining wands which BEARLY work and you have to BE like 10 blocks away from creeper for it to light but you also NEED to be close to the spawner so your cegg WORKS. Everything is ruined... And all to blame is the one who made the rules.
This is VERY easily fixable. Just make factions fun again. Like I get its 10-15 man but ITS more fun and exciting to raid when you know when you breach that You'll get the value and put them down on F TOP. This is not fun. All you have to do is make a rule about so you can have only 2 boxes and maximum base can be 3x3-5x5. Finsters can stay... whatever even tho to make it balanced on 10 man you should put them on 2 chunks maximum. You should make the throwables either FIXED or the ones you buy in /shop should be charged already. Also server is EXPIRENCING mad lag spikes because the ammount of spawners people are placing. Just add a plugin with SPAWNER GUI so they stack to 64. and no more lag.
(https://prnt.sc/1vhocmh) 6 boxes to y60.... 30 blocks high. With 5 chunks of Finsters... Then you say ok you just have to adjust down and breach the boxes but then you get in the base and spawners look like this ( ) ( ). And their f top looking like (https://prnt.sc/1vhols6) SO FUN... And then you think thats it!? no Let me interduce you to throwable Creeper eggs which cost 225k each https://gyazo.com/276fe73a2de2fcaa370535807aeb9a66
) And then Lightining wands which BEARLY work and you have to BE like 10 blocks away from creeper for it to light but you also NEED to be close to the spawner so your cegg WORKS. Everything is ruined... And all to blame is the one who made the rules.
This is VERY easily fixable. Just make factions fun again. Like I get its 10-15 man but ITS more fun and exciting to raid when you know when you breach that You'll get the value and put them down on F TOP. This is not fun. All you have to do is make a rule about so you can have only 2 boxes and maximum base can be 3x3-5x5. Finsters can stay... whatever even tho to make it balanced on 10 man you should put them on 2 chunks maximum. You should make the throwables either FIXED or the ones you buy in /shop should be charged already. Also server is EXPIRENCING mad lag spikes because the ammount of spawners people are placing. Just add a plugin with SPAWNER GUI so they stack to 64. and no more lag.