Overhauling/Removing CoinFlips

What Do You Think Should Be Done About Coinflips

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Nov 30, 2020
First and Foremost. Coinflips in theory should be 50/50 odds and thus, your Coinflip Record should be somewhat near 50% wins/losses. With this logic; the more you coinflip, the closer your actual winnings (i.e: Coins, Mana, Cubits) should be close to 0 all around. However this couldn't be further from the truth. Take mine for an example.

I myself play on Skyblock. I've only joined about 2 months ago and these are already the stats I've gotten overtime. I've only lost 21 times more than Ive won. Which seems like a rather large difference; however. with 939 games played. It would only amount to a 2% difference. However in terms of Cubits alone I've lost 6.35 which is roughly 1.35 billion in Skyblock, as well as roughly 600 Million in money and nearly 300 thousand mana which would be about 600 million as well. How could it be possible to be losing this badly? Is it just flat out bad luck? Well yes and no. Let me explain.

Of course luck is indefinitely involved in terms of the literal coinflip occurring. However, there's more subtle factors that it seems not many people are comfortable addressing? It absolutely is the tax. With tax, you're GUARANTEED to lose more than you win. Not only that, but many times it pressures players to "all in" in an attempt to stop the bleeding of their losses. Which ultimately leaves the winner being shorted 7% of what they put up initially and the loser obviously losing. Many players amongst Skyblock are reporting Millions to Billions of $ ranging from every currency possible being lost due to Coinflips. It's very clear to myself and hopefully many other players that this "system" is simply not fair to the vast majority of players. I'm not sure if others have experienced the same issue but I've literally received 10% coupons suspiciously very soon after losing an especially "large" coinflip. I'm not sure if that's just horrendous timing or ManaCube actually promoting their website w/ coupons after they lose. However with everything being said, this is of course only my own opinion with the incorporation of other player's experiences. Ultimately though it seems as though the only real winners are ManaCube and a very select few "lucky" players.

Ultimately what bothers me the most is the obvious gambling being involved in what really should just be a "kids game." Often times these clearly younger players will discover coinflips, win a tad bit, "all in", lose, beg for it back and quit. It's a shame because Minecraft has existed for very many years and seen many Children grow up with it overtime and hopefully many more years of newer players to come. It just feels as though we're gatekeeping newer players and could be a factor on Server Population Growth.

Tell me what you think though? Do you think Coinflips are balanced? Why? Or do you perhaps agree? Let me know in the comments down below please!


Nov 10, 2022
I get what you're saying! I haven't done nearly as many coinflips as you have, but I have noticed how the odds are always skewed. I actually lost(to you, in fact) 5 times in a row, all cubit coinflips. Yeah, I have bad luck, but it shouldn't be that bad.
The tax is another issue. Yes, I understand that there are alts and there will be people who try to abuse that somehow, but we should be able to make what we are actually betting to get from coinflips. I want to be able to bet .5 cubits and actually get .5 if I win, not .4 cubits.
I feel like the tax could be removed from coinflips and that would still work out just fine.


Nov 30, 2020
Oh yes and I've heard other players who've lost 10-20 times in a row. It's crazy truly. It should be possible of course but it's not logically 50/50 with how common these things occur. I definitely think the math is off somewhere. Also here's a FACT. Alts would make no difference with coinflips if you think about it. It would effectively be giving cfs between accounts randomly at that. Alts only play a difference for putting multiple cfs up of $, mana, or cubits.

I believe/know that the reason why they have tax is to "control" and quietly remove $, Mana, and ESPECIALLY CUBITS being bought/given as a reward.

If you buy cubits and win. you're still being stolen 7% of what you should DESERVE. If you lose then you better keep buying cubits or wait until you prestige and hope you dont lose those too.


Forum Legend
Aug 11, 2019
1,891 47
To be clear, I never ever coin flip. I believe it to be unsportsmanlike and in bad taste when you're meant to grind.

However, all these "imbalances" are easily explained by probability statistics. Disproving coinflip to be a 50/50 is a common first day probability class mind warmer uper thing.
As you flip more and more coins you are going to more often get a repeat side. Eventually you can manually alter your luck by building up counter-luck. Say you get 10 head wins in a row, thats 0.5^10 or ~0.1% or 1 in a thousand. Not too bad when people are doing thousands a day. With that streak of 10, you are literally 2000x more likely to lose with heads on your next flip. So you bet tails. Bam ban chicka wam, garunteed win. Using this method you can bet huge on when you pick tails, causing profit to brrrr.
Here is a good video explaining it all:
or you can search like "coin flip probability"
The cubit coupons are random. They don't occur on all gamemodes.
In my experience, peoples opinion on coinfliping being gambling for kids is strictly based off of their salt level of recent coinflips. "NOOO I LOST 100 CUBITS. why this dumb server allow kids to bet literally money." But if you win you don't care :). In the U.S. you need to be 18 to have a credit card or debit card. So kids aren't meant to be buying cubits at all.
The tax was enabled due to players exploiting the statistics above and wealth hoarding. The tax reduces the winnings, reduces the incentives, and as a result it helps balance the wealth gaps. They could add progressive taxing, so higher cfs are taxed at a higher percentage, so your 0.5 cubit is more like 0.49, but that just overcomplicates everything-- not worth.
Seperatly, you shouldn't be coinflipping cubits below 50c. If you do, you create an inflated obsession to think "I WANT MY CUBITS NOW." when in reality you don't want them now but later on when you realize the worth. Coinflipping low values also deletes SO MUCH cubits from the eco which is already starved. Desperation for cubits, for such means, creates hyperinflation of cubit-currency value (price of cubit going up) and decreases value or cubit-crates (price of crates going up).
459/939 = 0.4888 -> 1.11% difference -> negligible


Forum Legend
Sep 9, 2022
709 117
I once lost like 25 straight cf's and then used a coonflip calculator and found out that there was like a 0.0007% chance of that happening lmao


Nov 30, 2020
With that streak of 10, you are literally 2000x more likely to lose with heads on your next flip. So you bet tails. Bam ban chicka wam, garunteed win. Using this method you can bet huge on when you pick tails, causing profit to brrrr.

I would have to respectfully disagree. In my very short experience so far with coinflipping. Everyone recommends never changing between heads/tails and the coinflipping system implemented within the server simply does not feel as how a "traditional" coinflip would work. Outliers occur far too often and when I said only a select few players are actually winning. I mean the Day 1 players that cannot progress realistically any further without afking so then they coinflip. They usually wind up the biggest winners because they "have the most to lose" but usually just ask players to all in and the Day 1ers wind up winning to no one's surprise. It's very frustrating because its just another system that feels as though its targeting newer players and preying on their ignorance of the server and/or their Age (Maturity).

I believe a Rework should be best. Maybe adding different "game" options or what have you; especially for next season Skyblock. However, if this proves to be not possible? Then I'd have to recommend outright simply removing coinflips as a whole. Again, just my two cents of course.