The Kit-PVP Duel arenas were launched a few days ago, as a beta test, and are now fully released.
What are Duel Arenas?
Duel Arenas are a place where all players can go to engage in one-on-one-combat, either for fun or for a prize.
To start Dueling, simply type /duel
The duel arena is a safe pastime. In case of death, there is no penalty, and no items will be lost upon death. This includes not affecting your KDR.
There are currently 3 different arenas, and we plan on adding many more very soon. There is also 3 different types of arenas. These include:
When you win a Duel against another player, you will be granted 1 duel point, and $2.50
This is subject to change.
Duel points are purely cosmetic at the moment, and are a way to see how experienced other players are. To view someones Duel Points, type /duels points <players>
To view the leaderboard for the most Duel points, type /duels top
Staking will be a new type of arena coming very soon. Staking will cost $10 to enter an arena. The winner will get $20. There will most likely be various prices for these arenas.
Many bugs have been patched within the past few days. If you find any glitches or bugs, please post them on this thread, and you will be given a reward.
- Dacon