Rejected Candyland Parkour Map Submission

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Active Member
Dec 25, 2016
6 1
Hello everybody! I really hope you enjoy my Candyland Parkour map! It took me a while to make... and let me just say, I love it!

IGN: HelloKittyRo
PK Photos: My computer is not capable of taking screenshots. If it isn’t to much trouble, can you just warp to my plot and look at it?
Plot Warp: /plot visit HelloKittyRo 2
Difficulty: Insane
Jumps: 200 (200 was wrong, it is actually 210) (Please double check it was really hard to tell...)

I don't love candy/don't know any candy types (I had to look all of this up), but I thought it would be a unique idea since nobody else has done it! Thank you guys so much and I hope you enjoy it! (PS: Thanks Sophie413 and horsebossmaster for testing it for me!)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
90 4
Hey Kitty!

First off I wouldn't say it's an Insane map, maybe a hard.. Plus there are also other candy themed maps. Or just food in general.

I also felt like the jumps were just a bit repetitive. As in quads, maybe change some of them up.

I'm saying this because people enjoy a nice fun parkour with a nice mixup of jumps! We also like nice unique courses.

One last thing it's perfectly fine if you're computer can't take screenshots. It's not a necessity. And it doesn't make it so there is a less of a chance for your map.

Best of luck!
Sophie <3


Active Member
Dec 25, 2016
6 1
Hey Kitty!

First off I wouldn't say it's an Insane map, maybe a hard.. Plus there are also other candy themed maps. Or just food in general.

I also felt like the jumps were just a bit repetitive. As in quads, maybe change some of them up.

I'm saying this because people enjoy a nice fun parkour with a nice mixup of jumps! We also like nice unique courses.

One last thing it's perfectly fine if you're computer can't take screenshots. It's not a necessity. And it doesn't make it so there is a less of a chance for your map.

Best of luck!
Sophie <3
Thanks Sophie!
1) The jump curriculum said 120 jumps or more is an insane map. That's why I called it insane.
2) There are many other candy themed maps? I've never seen them xD
3) I know there are food maps, I've played a lot of them! =)
4) The jumps were repetitive, but I did that on purpose! I did change them up a little though!
5) I tried to make my parkour course as unique as possible. I did make a lot of stuff most players haven't done in one course though...


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2016
43 1
In my opinion this does not qualify for insane, or even expert, I would rethink the difficulty also, the jumps are very repetitive and there's no real theme to this map either. There's also a few big exploits that would need fixing.
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Active Member
Dec 25, 2016
6 1
In my opinion this does not qualify for insane, or even expert, I would rethink the difficulty also, the jumps are very repetitive and there's no real theme to this map either. There's also a few big exploits that would need fixing.
1) I already fixed the exploits...
2) It does have a theme. It's all candy or a dessert of some sort.
3) The jumps were fixed as I mentioned earlier.
4) The difficulty is unknown because of the jumps. It is 210+ jumps so we don't really know yet.

Thanks for your feedback!


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2016
62 3

Today I looked over your parkour map and I pointed out to you some of the exploits I found. I don't think this course qualifies as some others have said for Insane or even Expert. There are 210 jumps as you said, but this course is very easy. Also, the jumps are repetitive and there's no real theme to this parkour. I don't think this map would be a very good addition, sorry to say. Maybe if you rethink your Difficulty, Jumps and theme I might give you some more feedback. Until then, it's not my favorite map. I hope this helped you!


Active Member
Dec 25, 2016
6 1

Today I looked over your parkour map and I pointed out to you some of the exploits I found. I don't think this course qualifies as some others have said for Insane or even Expert. There are 210 jumps as you said, but this course is very easy. Also, the jumps are repetitive and there's no real theme to this parkour. I don't think this map would be a very good addition, sorry to say. Maybe if you rethink your Difficulty, Jumps and theme I might give you some more feedback. Until then, it's not my favorite map. I hope this helped you!
1) The exploits were changed thanks to you! I had a lot of people test to make sure there were no exploits, so I really don't know what is happening there.
2) The difficulty is a problem and is unknown. We're trying to figure out what it should be. I think it should be more on the medium or hard selection, not easy. But it's 210 jumps may have an effect on what happens.
3) The repetitive jumps were fixed as I said earlier :)
4) There is a theme to this parkour! Candy & desserts that kids like.
5) Aww it's okay about what you think. 15/17 who came by said they loved it! I just need some feedback on what to fix before a staff member denies/approves it. I did a fix a lot of what you said, though.

Thanks for the feedback!
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2017
13 1
I like the idea of this parkour, but before I am too harsh, let me say that I always think jumps are easy...

If I was the map accepter, I would deny this course because of the theme, jumps, and difficulty...

-The theme Candycanes is already in use I think...

-The jumps are repetitive as hell... like cmon, change it up a bit...

-In my opinion, this course would be the MAX a medium...

-I think this would be an easy course because of the quads and stuff...


Active Member
Dec 25, 2016
6 1
I like the idea of this parkour, but before I am too harsh, let me say that I always think jumps are easy...

If I was the map accepter, I would deny this course because of the theme, jumps, and difficulty...

-The theme Candycanes is already in use I think...

-The jumps are repetitive as hell... like cmon, change it up a bit...

-In my opinion, this course would be the MAX a medium...

-I think this would be an easy course because of the quads and stuff...
1) The theme is very clear, it is a all dessert and candy.
2) The jumps have been changed :)
3) The difficulty is a little confusing because of the jump count...
4) Candycanes is a type of candy. That is why it is being used.
5) I did change the jumps...
6) It's gonna be hard or expert. I've had many people test for the difficulty.

Thanks for your feedback! =)


Forum Master
Oct 3, 2016
326 10
Hey HelloKittyRo,

First of before I tell you my statement and final decision: When the difficulty of the course, no matter how many jumps it has, is insane it should have 120+ and if it is a hard course, it should stay between 65 - 85. That does not mean, just because it has 210 jumps, the course is insane. You should first make yourself clear for which difficulty you aim and then try to stay with the amount of jumps given.

Now to the statement: I am going to reject this map. I see the theme, but it has way too many floating blocks. Yes there are candyland themed courses already as stated above and it just way too long for the difficulty it contains. Due to it being too long, it is really repetitive as well.

For future references: Try to stay with the jump amount of the guide for your difficulty and maybe ask experienced people to test your course before submitting, due to exploits, difficulty changes and fixes etc.

Thank you for submitting this course and I hope to see more in the future!



Active Member
Dec 25, 2016
6 1
Hey HelloKittyRo,

First of before I tell you my statement and final decision: When the difficulty of the course, no matter how many jumps it has, is insane it should have 120+ and if it is a hard course, it should stay between 65 - 85. That does not mean, just because it has 210 jumps, the course is insane. You should first make yourself clear for which difficulty you aim and then try to stay with the amount of jumps given.

Now to the statement: I am going to reject this map. I see the theme, but it has way too many floating blocks. Yes there are candyland themed courses already as stated above and it just way too long for the difficulty it contains. Due to it being too long, it is really repetitive as well.

For future references: Try to stay with the jump amount of the guide for your difficulty and maybe ask experienced people to test your course before submitting, due to exploits, difficulty changes and fixes etc.

Thank you for submitting this course and I hope to see more in the future!

Thank you for the feedback and why you rejected the course! This will be very helpful for future parkours :)
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