[Guide] Your Guide to Factions!

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Dedicated Member
Feb 10, 2015
71 6
This following guide is to help you understand on how to be good at Factions and what is it and explains the basics of it.

Before I dive into the whole how to be a amazing PvPer. Let's just see what is Factions? Factions is a gamemode developed by the server MassiveCraft. It is extremely popular and almost every Faction server has this plugin.

For a full list of commands please do /f help

The Basics:
The main goal to Factions is to be the top growing faction on the server. If you want to create your own Faction please do the command /f create {YourFactionName}. Now that you have done this command you also want to do /f desc {YourDescription}. What /f desc is that it sets your description to whatever you feel like, so when you claim a land and you leave for the wilderness and come back to your base. It should read EXAMPLE ~ I luv cookies

Open and Closed:
You are allowed to set your faction to open or closed.

OPEN ~ Meaning that anyone can join your faction.
CLOSED ~ The person would have to be invited to your faction in order to join.

I would highly recommend if your faction was closed because nobody wants random people joining your faction.

It's highly recommended that you have a faction with players rather than playing solo.

Inviting your players:
You are allowed to invite players to your faction using this command.

/f invite {Username}
However, if you invited the wrong person to your faction you can do /f deinvite {Username}

Custom Titles:
To set custom titles for the players in your faction /f title {Username} {Title}. Titles are like nicknames for your faction.

Disbanding your Faction, Leaving your faction, Joining other factions, and kicking players:

If your faction is failing or unsuccessful, then do /f disband

Want to leave your faction?, then do /f leave

If you don't like your faction and want to join a faction, then do /f join {Faction}

One of your players being disrespectful?, do /f kick {Username}


If you claim any land that means that nobody else can build, place, or mine in anywhere you claimed.
Typing /f claim will claim the chunk you are standing in for your faction. Each claimed land is a 16x16 chunk extending from the bedrock to the sky. As you should know, allies, neutrals, and faction-less people are unable to hurt you while you are standing in your territory. I will explain those terms to you in the near future. Do /f autoclaim to claim all the chunks you are walking on. This is not recommended, because you may lose track of what you are claiming.

In Factions, power determines the strength of yourself and your faction. Land requires power. Every piece of land, or every chunk, takes up one power. Every person has a maximum of 10 power, so a single person can have 10 chunks/piece of land. For every new player in a faction, the faction will increase its maximum power by 10. A 4-people faction has 40 maximum power, and 40 maximum chunks of land. You start at 0 power. I recommend staying away from PvP on your first couple days, as it is a good chance to gather resources as your power slowly regenerates to a higher sum. By default, you gain 1 power every 5 minutes.

I will write more soon. I feel like this is enough for now


Forum Expert
Jan 3, 2015
Thanks so much for this guide! This will really help me out when in factions! I'm kind of a nub at it xD
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