Recent content by Ancastal

  1. Ancastal

    Survival Season 7

    Looks cool
  2. Ancastal

    Crates on Olympus

    The revamp of non-monthly crates (Legendary Crate, Ancient Crate, Perk Crate, Elite Crate) on Olympus was not needed and not appreciated by many players. The new rewards are not worth anything and they are clearly not thought to be added to the Olympus gamemode. I will explain myself further...
  3. Ancastal

    Elite Rank Perk Suggestions

    Another idea (Olympus - Survival?): - HeadDB (/heads) for Elite players. It's already implemented on the server. Just need to change the permissions to use it accordingly. In Olympus we are limited to build in a small space and limiting its use only to Elite players would make sure it won't...
  4. Ancastal

    Elite Rank Perk Suggestions

    Some ideas: Olympus - Discount on /furniture - 1 Personal plot - Sell multiplier that actually works (higher than MVP sell multi for obvious reasons) - An Elite crate with good rewards - Elite mine buff - Holograms Other - In-Game Elite Chat - Elite Chat Colour (e.g. &3 or &b would make a good...