Recent content by JlNXFUL

  1. J

    Kit PvP is a mess, fix it

    If this happened on a sever who cared about the players, this is the kind of issue where you’d wake your dev team up in the middle of the night to find a fix immediately. The standards here are horribly low, it has to be said. No transparency, the players don’t know what is going on, I do know...
  2. J

    Kit PvP is a mess, fix it

    Posted this over a month ago. This isn’t some minor bug which can be pushed to the sideline for a bit, this is an urgent issue which really should prompt immediate action. Questions should be asked as to why something so critical is just left there. 1 MONTH since I made this post. Whoever’s...
  3. J

    Kit PvP is a mess, fix it

    Still an ongoing issue. The player base have not received any answers to the questions this has brought up: Why isn't it fixed yet? What is the Problem? Why has this took so long to get fixed? Some transparency would be appreciated.
  4. J

    Kit PvP is a mess, fix it

    Just going to post an update based off the original post. My criticism of staff doesn't account for 99% of staff members, most of you are doing a great Job. Whoever is in charge of the hardware side of things is most likely to blame. Questions need to be asked as to why this issue has been left...
  5. J

    Kit PvP is a mess, fix it

    still an issue, even worse lately. Not been fixed yet
  6. J

    Kit PvP is a mess, fix it

    This is currently an ongoing issue, still unresolved
  7. J

    Kit PvP is a mess, fix it

    All players regardless of what connection they get have the same issues. The problem is the server, not the players' connection or ping
  8. J

    Kit PvP is a mess, fix it

    Things to consider: -A lot of loyal players have had enough and quit because of the ongoing issues -Other bugs such as being unable to fire an arrow in a duel are still an issue
  9. J

    Kit PvP is a mess, fix it

    Bumping this as its still relevant
  10. J

    (Must Read) An introduction to PvP: From the god himself, Jacon.

    informative thread to those leaning how to pvp
  11. J

    Kit PvP is a mess, fix it

    Dacon this is simply not true about the lag spikes, they last for a lot longer and happen more frequently than that. People often freeze and get killed while this is happening which is a frustrating experience I dont think it would be a good idea adding an eu proxy as it wont get enough players...
  12. J

    Kit PvP is a mess, fix it

    I'll try to not make this a full on rant but a lot of criticism needs to be made for everything revolving around Kit PvP. Over the past 2 years, the main issue where the server constantly freezes ( along with other, yet less major bugs ) has not been dealt with. I really dont see how such a big...
  13. J

    Kitpvp NEEDS A CHANGE!
  14. J

    Kit PvP is slowly dying... And here's how to revive it

    It's way too easy to get full prot 3, imo it is not fun since it doesn't take much effort
  15. J

    Kit PvP is slowly dying... And here's how to revive it

    Kit PvP is really stale compared to what it used to be. The current update is filled with bugs and other flaws which limit its success. As an old player it's a shame to see Kit PvP turn this way. For example, many of the great aspects of the Kit PvP 4.0 Update were removed. Click this link if...