Recent content by lokiio

  1. lokiio


    my mum turned into an asian woman who crawled on all fours like a spider with a knife and tried to murder me, while i sat hid in the living room and my dad tried to fall asleep on the sofa. worst part? i was screaming about wanting to wake up. i knew it was a nightmare and i couldn't wake up. it...
  2. lokiio

    Whats your favorite number?

    9, it’s just pog.
  3. lokiio

    Coming days, weeks, and months of the presidential election

    I mean, it's fine to have opinions but politics in chat usually end in arguments lmao. I get fed up of the Parkour chat several times a day, since they seem to have three modes: controversial opinions mode (homophobia); politics mode (a mix of TRUMP2020, BIDEN2020 and the occasional SCHLATT2020...
  4. lokiio

    Purple is just slightly darker blue. Change my mind.

    Exactly what the title says. Why do I think this you may ask? I’m colourblind. That’s it. That’s the reason. They look the exact fricking same. Why. WHY. WHAT MONSTROSITY IS THIS.
  5. lokiio

    Count to 1000 Before a Admin posts

    703! Let’s hope an admin doesn’t find this lmao.
  6. lokiio

    CoinFlip God title Request + Giveaway for christmas EVENT

    500 replies? You know what, might as well. ‍:D
  7. lokiio

    Perfectly normal link

    Jokes on you, I got an ad. :cool:
  8. lokiio

    Jazz is the best music genre, change my mind.

    The only good jazz is Rasputin Jazz, change my mind.
  9. lokiio

    Do your guys' parents not kill you if you don't get A's?

    As a Brit, I don’t even know what an A is. Please explain. Help. We only have numbers U-9.
  10. lokiio

    What genre do you listen to?

    It seems to fluctuate between musicals, alt/alt rock, 90’s rock, the Undertale OST and the Wii Shop Theme. Hmmm.
  11. lokiio

    Change /helpop.

    [This is really just a thread to build on this thread by Penguin.] First of all, I think helpop messages are too difficult to read in chat since it’s a simple [name] > [y/ign]: [message]. There’s no bold, no colours (other than yellow), and nothing to indicate that it’s a helpop response. I...
  12. lokiio


    Orange juice first then cereal, that's my personal preference tho :)
  13. lokiio

    Can’t link account?

    Ah, thank you!
  14. lokiio

    "Rasputin" lyrics chain

    He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow....
  15. lokiio

    Post the last thing in ur camera roll

    This appears to be my teacher