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  • I kinda hate racism but usually am racist by mistake because everyone around me is racist , romanians be hella racists
    I dunno if having the most network punishments is an achievement or not
    welp I`m gonna live in my shell , also tell aviv I said hi lol ~kind regards woolly26 future manacube dev in 3 years
    It would be more fair to add also crates that are related to an international level and stop adding American related crates at all in order to promote inclusivity in manacube community for people that come also from other countries like me or many other
    Americans be wanting only having stuff about themselves last years there were lots of american related crates and they want even more crates and items about us because they need "inclusivity" a terms misused by lots of americans here as an example is @sophiaaah <3 `s post which proves the ignorance that some people can have .
    sophiaaah <3
    sophiaaah <3
    most of the people on manacube are from the US. LMFAOOOOOOOO
    first off, yeah what's above is correct most manacube players are american, second, there was the skyrim crate, mario crate, summer crate, zelda crate, space crate, a medieval crate, anime crate, and probably a lot more crates (idk i started playing right as the skyrim crate ended) that have pretty much no american bias. and yes, there was both christmas and halloween in 2021 and 2022, but thats not much tbh
    sophiaaah <3
    sophiaaah <3
    woolly, just drop it at this point, you're just being annoying and trying to get attention for all the wrong reasons. theres no shame in stopping
    Staff gives punishes players based on their feelings and their bias opinion , staff nowadays are just like game journalists like now , biased opinions/actions
    Got myself perma muted while I was sleeping because I said on forum I dont agree with the rules , dont see how I disrespected the rules , disagreement =/= disrespect
    Like I barely see the staff manager on the server even tho it's required to be somewhat active to know what has been happening no only just check stuff cuz u have to check that expecting the other staff members no being biased, what does the staff manager do just checks how many mutes u got, how many bans u got, u did the minimum perfect u passed.
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