Username: RozBlox - Yes 3rd Submission in 2 days - quarantine hittin hard
Map Name: Emotions
Warp: /plot v RozBlox
Difficulty: Hard
There is glowstone, although cosmic client has full bright, regular client does not. looks better in dark
Username: RozBlox
Map Name: Portal Gun
Theme: Rick and Morty Portal and Portal Gun - I would have made the Portal 3D except the Portal in the show is 2D so, I had to keep the accuracy
Plot Warp: plot v RozBlox and then turn around 180 degrees
Difficulty: Insane
# of Jumps: ~200
Username: RozBlox
Map Name: Delight
Warp Name: /plot v RozBlox
Difficulty: I think its should be put in hard, but I have no clue it could be a harder medium map. Up to you to judge