Search results

  1. SkyDieGame

    the zombie moose rare drops are broken/bugged

    Hallo! You can not calculate it in that way, drop rates are 0.25% per killed. Which mean that you can get it on your first, or you can be unlucky and need to kill thousands to get the drop. It does not include how many you have killed in the drop rates! Kind regards -SkyDieGame
  2. SkyDieGame

    Olympus Season 6

  3. SkyDieGame

    Not getting the Cubits I Purchased

    We have admins in different timezones, you will most often get an answer within 24h Kind regards SkyDieGame
  4. SkyDieGame

    Not getting the Cubits I Purchased

    You will have to wait for an admin to get to your ticket as they are the only once with perms to handle store stuff Kind regards SkyDieGame
  5. SkyDieGame

    [Earth] Increase maximum auction price to 2 billion

    Hallo! This has been suggested to our devs! KInd regards -SkyDieGame
  6. SkyDieGame

    Fly perk on earth for ranks

    Mabye add a ''Only in claims'' option for the poll?
  7. SkyDieGame

    Party Prestige for [Survival]

    Sounds like an interesting idea!
  8. SkyDieGame

    [CLOSED] PvP Zone Build Competition

    Looking forward to see Earths creative side!
  9. SkyDieGame

    [IDEA] Increase neutrality cost and upkeep

    No rules against it as long as it doesn't get spammy.
  10. SkyDieGame

    [Problem] Item Missing

  11. SkyDieGame

    V-Day Cubit Giveaway

    SkyDiegame [SkyDieGame#1066] Will be spent with my gf
  12. SkyDieGame

    DECEMBER 2022

    Ggs 1675106444 :D