Search results

  1. Presidenten

    Accepted CalvinAndHobbes - Hard Map

    nice map but why the norwegian name, they have english names too :oops:
  2. Presidenten

    Accepted Albatross - Easy

    Why destroy a good build with ugly parkour? A red bed? A huge green cactus? Blue floating water? Polished andesite? I think the parkour could have been done so much better and look nicer, right now it feels ugly and pretty random
  3. Presidenten

    12,000 Mana competition

  4. Presidenten

    Why i should be unmuted

    dont be so rude laney, give this kid some hope
  5. Presidenten

    [CLOSED} 5 Legendary Crates Giveaway (Parkour)

    Presidenten Presidenten#3379 123456789
  6. Presidenten

    Rejected RickRoll - Hard

    Congrats on your first map acid, although this has blocks I would never use in a parkour myself
  7. Presidenten

    Rejected Baby Bell - Medium Map by: MattTheCutie & BASSBOAT

    I think the build needs more depth, this is bascially pixel art
  8. Presidenten

    Accepted Mr Meeseeks - Medium

    top 10 most controversial maps on manacube
  9. Presidenten

    Rejected Dream's Parkour

    i think this should be accepted
  10. Presidenten

    Rejected Soda - Map Submission

    Pepsi 2: Coke
  11. Presidenten

    Developer ignorance

    Nice addition to the thread acid, I see you take this very seriously. It's good for you to give such a necessary and important comment on this important post.
  12. Presidenten

    Presidentens Parkour Map Gallery

    The parkour is fine, but I hate the build, that's why
  13. Presidenten

    How many unique maps have you completed? How many maps have you done total?

    I know two but won't tell since they get patched quick
  14. Presidenten

    How many unique maps have you completed? How many maps have you done total?

    acid you know there are insane maps you can use 1 pearl to complete?
  15. Presidenten

    Challenge Mode Reward.

    Agreed, custom colored checkmark or/and a title, [Completionist] [Legend] [Nerd]
  16. Presidenten

    My One Year Anniversary on Manacube!

    Hello bloro remember me? I was here since day one, now let me win Presidenten Presidenten#3379
  17. Presidenten

    Manacube themes, help!

    The easiest way to find themes is by being a gamer. If you play any other games look for a good theme in them. It can be a character, enemy, object or location. Some other easy way to figure out a theme is memes, album covers or real life locations.