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  1. HyDr0KT


    Hello. I am sure this moderator had sufficient evidence and reasoning if they punished you. If you feel you were wrongfully banned, please feel free to create an appeal here:
  2. HyDr0KT

    Anti-Cheat Auto Ban

    Hello. I completely understand where you are coming from and would definitely love to see player’s who are playing unfairly banned as soon as possible. However having the anti cheat ban people, even for short durations at a time is something that is very unlikely. Sometimes the anti cheat can...
  3. HyDr0KT

    Olympus Updates

  4. HyDr0KT

    KitPvP 8.0 Announcement

  5. HyDr0KT

    The Truth and The Possible Return

    Hello everyone. For those of you who don't know me, I joined MineVast almost 3 years ago and was a dedicated Staff member. I was proud to be at the top of every single server's baltop and enjoyed feeding my ego with more money (hence my forum title, "MoneyWhore"). I was mainly a Moderator...
  6. HyDr0KT

    One year ago, on this day...

    What are you trying to say bud. One year ago I was scamming kids
  7. HyDr0KT


  8. HyDr0KT


    Hello. I appreciate the enthusiasm but this is not the correct place to apply. If you would like to try to become a staff member, make your application here: and be sure to follow the correct format. Thanks!
  9. HyDr0KT

    Guys We Need A Mod Now In KitPVP !!!!! Plz

    Np. Glad I could be of assitance.
  10. HyDr0KT

    Guys We Need A Mod Now In KitPVP !!!!! Plz

    Hello. Not very helpful but if you ever need a staff member online you can simply get one by typing /staff and messaging them on whichever server they are on to come assist you.
  11. HyDr0KT

    Does Skywars Have Staff?

    Hello. Yes skywars does have staff but they don't come on very often. I come on occasionally to check up on things so if you see a hacker just type /staff and shoot me a message. Ill be right on over there. :)
  12. HyDr0KT

    It is rare to see Mods on Factions

    Hello. If a lot of people start complaining about how there is no staff on factions, I will start coming on factions more often and checking up on things.
  13. HyDr0KT

    Hackers! Hackers! Hackers EVERYWHERE!

    First of all, I don't like your attitude towards staff. We try out hardest to make the community as fair and fun as possible. You have no right to be saying any staff is not doing their job correctly when first of all you don't even know how much we do. Brack and oceanic help a ton just like all...
  14. HyDr0KT

    ()()()()++++Parkour Assassins Clan++++()()()()

    In my opinion, this sounds cool but I don't think "Assassins" is a proper name because you aren't really killing anyone. Its just parkour.
  15. HyDr0KT

    Hello. Infinity times infinity.

    Hello. Infinity times infinity.
  16. HyDr0KT


    Just a clarification, I have never spawned in any of the items I have. All of my armor like superburrito said, is from days of playing and hard work. I have worked very hard to become what I have now. And I do not think it is unfair that I use full diamond armor. I worked hard for this and...
  17. HyDr0KT

    HydroKT muted me for life.

    Oi sorry about that. Recently there was a new ban/mute format and I might of meased you up. Ill fix however next time, dont spam!
  18. HyDr0KT

    KitPVP Gems and Cash Giveaway! #1

    IGN: BrackishBird9 Follow: No thanks Why you want the gems/cash: Cause I need more money for curry Favorite thing about MineVast: Whats there not to like?
  19. HyDr0KT

    Banned from kitpvp?!

    Fixed :)
  20. HyDr0KT

    Can someone fix this Kit-PVP ban glitch, again?

    Should be fixed! Try to log on now (: